c/seven. somebody else

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Matty let go of me, and I was more upset about this than the fact that we nearly flipped over. I was on the ground, I had hit my head and Matty was somehow swung into the back of the studio.

I squeezed my eyes and tried to focus my blurry vision, being more worried about Matty than myself. I stood up after a while and balanced myself into the studio, where Matty laid on top of the desk, legs up in the air, head down.

I rushed over to him at the sight of this and pushed his body down so he laid on the floor. My head pounded when I kneeled down next to him. I placed a hand on his forehead for some weird reason, I suppose to check his warmth, and then checked his vein for a pulse. There was indeed a strong pulse, and Matty seemed between awake and unconscious, his eyes closed.

"Matty," I shook him gently, afraid to hurt him. "Hey, are you okay?" I pushed his hair back, and took a moment to admire him. He looked peaceful for once.

"Mmmhm..." He groaned, slowly opening his eyes and looking at me, cracking a slight smile, which caused me to grin.

"That was quite a rude interruption, don't you think?" He said, in between another groan. I laughed and kept running my hands through his hair.

"You're bleeding." He opened his eyes and stared at me, lifting his hand up and putting his fingers on the top of my head, then showing me his hand, who had bright red blood displayed in it.

"I must've hit myself with one of the suitcases," I smiled, my pain completely numbed by seeing Matty be alright. "I'm okay, don't worry about me." He smiled as well after I stated this.

The boys rushed into the studio not long after I finished that last sentence, and had their eyes wide open, immediately rushing to our side.

"You alright?" George looked at me, signaling the blood on my head. I nodded yes, the pounding more present with my nod, yet I stood up and managed to only slightly wince.

Adam and Ross helped Matty up; he might be a skinny boy but he's got weight on him.

"The bus popped a tire and we got derailed. Everything is fine, no one's harmed and the bus is also alright. We called the insurance company and now they're here and waiting for us to step out to replace the tire. They also want to do a health checkup on all of us." Ross explained, he seemed to not be affected at all by the incident.

They were here already? How long were we out?

"Where were you when this happened, Ross?" I winced, yet again. He looked unfazed.

"I was sitting in the co-pilot seat with Jonathan when it happened. I had my seat-belt on." He let out a sigh. I could tell he was relieved.

Jonathan was our bus driver. He wasn't injured during the incident either.

"Alright then, let's go." I stand behind Adam and Ross - who were carrying Matty - and George stays behind me.

When we stepped out of the bus, it didn't even seem like there was an accident, besides from the tire tracks on the street. I think the only thing that gave it away was the insurance company truck carrying bus tires and the weird gadgets required to replace our popped tire.

What? I don't know anything about cars, and I'm no exception on buses.

I can see a man questioning Jonathan about how often the bus had gone in for maintenance and if the tire level was correct in the last checkup. Behind the man, I saw an ambulance and a (very good-looking) paramedic, who grabbed Matty and sat him down, checking his vitals and reflexes and making sure he doesn't have any broken bones or sprains.

Urgency. | Matthew HealyWhere stories live. Discover now