c/twenty one. lostmyhead

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Valerie's POV

A couple of nights ago, I woke up to Luca shaking me awake. It was 4:30 AM, and he was telling me we had to go before I got kicked out.

The tabloids were on fire, and they had my face all over them. I had no doubt that this was courtesy of the boys' manager, because as much as I had pissed of Matty, he would never do such a thing.

I packed my bags and I couldn't stop crying all the way through, until it was 5:25 AM and I was ready to go.

Luca signaled for me to follow him.

"Wait," I whispered.

"Valerie, what are you doing?" He whispered back, making an exaggerated expression.

"I have to-, I have to see him one last time." I answered back, and Luca only sighed. He knew he couldn't do much about it, and truly, I would scream if he ripped me away from my Matty.

I stepped in front of his bunk bed and slowly opened his curtain, being careful to not wake him up.

I laid a lingering kiss on top of his head, smelling his scent one last time, and then running my fingers through his hair softly. I shed a tear at the thought of leaving him.

"We were supposed to get married." I whispered softly, and I heard Luca groan, which made me whip my head back to him in a threatening manner.

I sigh, and turn back to Matty. "I'll come back for you."

I plant a soft kiss on his cheek and step back, closing the curtain, grabbing my things and following Luca, not looking back to avoid running back to the bus.

All I could think about in this moment is how I felt when I first came to the tour. I got the opportunity because Luca wanted to help me get help, get clean, to have a fresh start.

Then I met Matty. I gave myself the goal to not fall for him like all the other girls have, but I did. Until all I thought about was him, until all I breathed was him. And that's still my situation.

But the problem is that I was walking a fine line. Jaime (the boys' manager) threatened to sue for damages if I didn't leave for good. I was also told to sign a contract to make sure they had my word.

The contract stated that I was not to be closer than two hundred meters to Matty, his family or his band members. I was also to get my things and leave, after this, I would consider myself released from my label – well, ex-label – Dirty Hit.

The label would keep their rights to my work done during the year that I had been under contract with them, and I would earn fourty percent in profit if they were to ever use them.

Well, I certainly am wishing I wrote more now.

I was now on the plane with Luca, taking a flight to Italy. I was going to his hometown, because he offered that I could stay with him until all of this cleared, and I wasn't opposed to it.

I held all the tabloids in my hand and read the titles.

Valerie Harris: homewrecker!

Valerie Harris is insane!

Matty Healy used for money by Valerie Harris

Valerie Harris and her new Tom Lincoln!

I sighed, clutching the magazines. I loved the attention, but this wasn't my idea. I wanted Matty and I's first born to be published, or a paparazzi catching us having sex in a public place.

I find no point in this anymore. I don't have a problem, people just don't get me. My dad always said that this is how you treat someone right, this is how he always treated my mom, until she got mentally-ill from all of those pain meds she took all the time, that is. She was always clumsy and hurt herself  by accident.

Anyway, what Matty and I had was perfect and it still could be, but now Jaime took that opportunity away from me.

Or well, that's what he wants anyway.

I know one thing for sure: I'm gonna get Matty back.

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