c/twenty two. chocolate

379 10 9

Matty's POV

"Mate, I think you should give these a read." George says, while handing me multiple magazines, all of their tabloids filled with titles and made up stories of Valerie and I.

I shook my head, putting the magazines aside.

Jamie seemed to sense my discomfort and stepped closer to me.

"Mate, she's off of the label. We've got rights on her work but she's no longer with us. She shouldn't be a problem anymore." He explains.

"That's a girl I used to be with that you're calling a problem, you know?" I glare at him, and he sighs.

"I'm sorry, mate. But you understand." He shrugs his shoulders, stepping away from me.

I ignore him, just when my cell started to ring.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello Matty, this is Holly from St. Reforge, I'm calling to ask if you've seen Kate recently?" The other side of the phone line tells.

I'm taken aback by the sudden question and slightly widen my eyes. "No, I haven't seen her in a while. Is she alright? Does she need anything?" I start to get worried.

"No, no... She's just fine, but there are these random cards being sent to her all the time, and I thought they were yours, because of the address." She answers, which only adds to my confusion.

"Did they have my same address? What did they say?" I continue asking questions in hopes to relax myself.

"Yes, they had your address. They were sort-of threatening, actually. Although I didn't pry that much, they are not my cards after all, but I know for a fact that wasn't your handwriting."  Holly answers.

I lightly chuckled, but then started to get worried at the fact that she said they were threatening. I'm almost certain those letters were from Valerie. "Thank you for prying, Holly. I know who did this, I'll take care of it." I answer.

"Please don't get yourself into any trouble, dear." She politely asks me, to which I tell her not to worry.

After this, the phone call was over and the boys were curious.

As I opened my mouth to speak, Jamie interrupted.

"As much as I would love to hear that gossip as well, you've got a show to play, lads." He says.

I groan.

Playing a show whilst being this level of mentally-fucked is horrible.

Ross seemed to notice this, and patted my back. "Come on mate, let's go."

I sighed, walking towards the stage.

We opened with Settle Down, a slight change in the setlist, but a big pain in my ass. This was a song I wrote about Valerie. And so was She Way Out, Be My Mistake, A Change Of Heart, well, I'm sure you've got it. Eighty percent of the songs we played tonight were about Valerie, or about my internal argument between Valerie and Jacqueline. The other twenty percent were about Kate. Another worry in my mind.

We- well, I, managed to pull through the show. I got into my rental car and started driving towards my aunt's home, which I'll be staying at for today. Not that details are necessary, but she's out of town.

Whilst on the drive home, I decided to turn on the radio in an attempt to clear my head.

Bad mistake.

"And now we present to you Dirty Hit's dirtiest hit: Valerie Harris' new single, Urgency!" The radio host announced, before Valerie's voice filled my ears.

Tears started to pour down my face almost immediately. I am too hurt by all of this. I thought I was getting close to something genuine. Valerie took care of me and she made me believe she was a different kind of person.

And while I was too busy being fooled, she was digging deep into my personal life, going as far as to hurt Kate.

I made fists with my hands, pressing them against my squeezed eyelids, in hopes of getting rid of the tears I was shedding.

I arrived at my home for today, stepping out of the car and getting my bag out, locking the car. I start to walk towards the house, walking up the slab stairs and getting my keys out to unlock the door.

As soon as I unlock the door, I'm met with a cloth to the face. It didn't contain chloroform or any sort of chemical component, but it was more to keep me from screaming.

I turn around to get a glimpse at the person who wants to seemingly kidnap me, and I'm really not surprised to see Valerie.

"I'm so sorry."

Urgency. | Matthew HealyWhere stories live. Discover now