c/ten. it's not living (if it's not with you)

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Although I was forced to my bunk bed early since Adam stepped out of the studio, I couldn't fall asleep for all I tried.

I just couldn't believe I could override Jacqueline, and it's even more unbelievable that he touched me - what I felt when he touched me. Pure bliss surrounded us, for sure, but this leads me to believe there's hope that there might be something else in the future.

The way his eyes were shining when he pulled me close to him and made me his made it almost impossible to not realize this: I need him.

The way his hair would bounce during each movement, the way he bit his lip when he focused on giving me pleasure, and most importantly, the way his grunts echoed around the room and into my heart.

Was it a mistake, having sex with Matty? No, I don't think so. If anything, this is a step that we needed to take, it'll just take him a while to realize that he needs me too.

I laid in my bunk bed and all I wanted was a round two, so I stepped out, ready to sneak into Matty's bunk bed, when I noticed I had been tossing and turning for enough time for it to be daytime.

The boys were sleeping, but Matty was wide awake, talking to our bus driver, signaling him to make a quick stop somewhere.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion and went towards Matty and Jonathan, putting a hand on Matty's shoulder, making him slightly jump, and then relax, once he noticed it was me.

"Hey, Val." He smiled at me, squeezing my hand. I smiled back and looked in front of us.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"Venue." Jonathan replied coldly. Something tells me he's not quite happy with whatever's going on between Matty and I.

I shrugged it off and tapped Matty's shoulder.

"What?" He asked, curiosity visible in his eyes.

I bent down to his level, since he was sitting down, and whispered in his ear, "Do you wanna extend that stop we're making by any chance?"

He giggled, understanding my intentions. "I like how you think." He smiled at me, staring at my lips, but straying away, since Jonathan was there.

I frowned and sat down in the very couch where Matty and I had sex last night, waiting for the bus to get to that stop.

And it did, parking into a 7/11 and opening it's doors some time after. The rest of the boys seem to still be sleeping, which is pretty convenient, given the situation.

I stood up quickly and went out the door, Matty coming out after me and flashing a knowing smirk.

Matty started walking inside the 7/11, however, I sprinted towards the back alley and checked for any cameras, security guards or people present. There seemed to be nobody there, which was perfect.

Before Matty could reach for the door, I pulled him into the alley by his arm and pinned him against a wall, kissing him hungrily.

"Hmm," he groaned, "Fuck's sake, you're dirty. Here?" He pulled away, eyes wide yet baffled with excitement and adrenaline.

I nodded, "Mmhmm, right here, take me- take me right here." I answered, my breathing fast.

He chuckled, cupping my face in his hands. "Love, I wouldn't hesitate, usually, but this is quite risky, innit'?"

I groaned, moving away.. "What? I'm literally begging you, please." I kissed his neck.

He smiled, lightly pulling me away. "Val, not here, alright?" He held me firmly by my waist.

I crossed my arms in desperation. "Fine."

Matty raised an eyebrow at this. "Hey, don't get mad. This just isn't the time and place..." He pulled me in for a kiss that lasted a solid ten seconds before pulling away.

I still wasn't convinced at this. I'd bet it was Jacqueline, but I didn't push further.

Matty seemed to notice this and frowned, but his eyes lit up a couple seconds afterwards, leaving me with fizzling curiosity.

He held out his hand for me to take and I took it, as we started walking into the 7/11.

He went up to the cashier and reached into the left front pocket of his jeans, taking out a hundred dollar bill and handing it to the cashier.

My eyes were wide. "Matty, what are you-"

"Shhh..." He turned to me, shutting me up, and then looking back at the cashier.

He urged the cashier to come closer and whispered to him, "You take that and stay quiet about what I'm about to do, alright?" He patted the register's table and pulled me close to him, looking at the cameras.

The cashier just nodded and discretely pocketed the money.

"Pretend you're sick." He whispered in my ear.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows. The reason behind all this nonsense was way beyond comprehension.

"If you want me to eat your cunt, pretend you're sick." He whispered, yet again, lightly kissing my ear after the end of his sentence.

I gasped and held back a smile, biting my lip and putting my hand atop of my mouth, displaying the best "sick" face I could.

Matty held my shoulders and stared at me in fake worry, and then he 'escorted me' into the women's bathroom.

He closed the door and pushed me against it, kissing me hard and instantly starting to undo the button-down I was wearing, which, by the way, was Matty's.

He proceeded to unclasp my bra and cup one of my tits into his mouth. I gasped, and Matty shoved his fingers into my mouth.

"Shhh, be quiet." He told me, moving his lips up my neck and dragging his fingers across my bottom lip.

He undid my jeans and pulled them down, my panties along with them. I bit my lip to suppress another loud gasp. Matty seemed to enjoy this, as it showed in the tightness in his jeans.

He continued to bite and kiss my neck and place his fingers into my cunt, and I bit my lip even harder, a whimper coming out.

He smiled and pulled my bottom lip out of my teeth, kissing me and biting it himself.

He pulled away and stared at me as he fingered me and I suppressed my moans.

"You're so good, you should be only mine." He whispered.

"Yeah?" I breathed out.

"Yeah." He answered back in what sounded like a groan.

He pulled his fingers out of me and briefly stared at them. "You're so fucking wet for me." He pulled my hair back and kissed my jawline. I grabbed onto his back, scratching it.

He brought himself down to my pussy and started to suck on it, licking my clit and eventually bringing his fingers into the mix, curling them up and sucking at the same time.

I gasped loudly, as I couldn't help it, and held onto Matty's hair. He sure does give some fucking great oral, fuck.

He accelerated his actions when he saw I was close to climaxing, removing his mouth but keeping his fingers in.

"Look at me." He said, making me look at him. "Look at me when you come."

And so I did, and I could see it in his eyes he was amazingly proud of himself.

He pulled his hand out, washed his hands, straightened his hair and clothes and left me a mess.

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