c/sixteen. if I believe you

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A/N: My apologies for the delay on this chapter, and also about it's short length. Worry not however, because you're getting TWO chapters!


I had asked Matty who Kate was out of pure curiosity and a slight tinge of jealousy. She seemed to have impacted him.

Matty kept quiet, refusing to answer my question. I was angry at this, why wouldn't he tell me? We trust eachother.

George seemed to notice my slight fit of annoyance but didn't say anything.

"Right, well, I guess drinking time's over." I get up and place the plastic chair back to where it belongs. The boys are all sat there, no more words have been spoken.

I open the door and step out, heading into my bunk bed, closing the curtains and opening my notebook.

I had written down every little curiosity in my mind about Matty's whereabouts, and once I removed one, another seemed to pop up.

So far, my list read:

- Room 115? CHECK.

- Red shirt? CHECK

- Jacqueline? CHECK.

- Allen Ginsberg poem?

- Kate?

I sighed. I have no fucking idea.

I closed my notebook as I heard footsteps approach my bunk bed and yank my curtain open.

"I do not need to tell you about Kate." Matty looked at me, and I stared at him, slightly shocked.

"Certainly not, but I thought we had a good level of trust, don't we? I mean, your dick has been in my mouth." I tell him, visibly upset.

I push him out of the way so that I can get out of my safe place, which he was currently invading.

He grabs my arm so I don't move away from him "It doesn't fucking matter. What happened between Kate and I isn't your business, or anybody else's." He states.

Oh, so Matty and Kate were a couple?

"All I'm saying is, if you fucked Jacqueline and then fucked me, I don't think you care all that much about Kate." I yank my arm away from his grasp.

Matty's face reddened and his eyes went dark in anger. This made my stomach churn in fear and my eyes widen.

"Don't fucking talk about her. Don't make assumptions about her, don't ever mention her again." He spat out at me.

I was paralyzed. I had never seen Matty like this in the couple of months I've been with him.

"Fine. But don't threaten me again." I told him, before leaving him standing in the hall and going to sit next to Jonathan, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Ah, you found out about Katherine?" Jonathan asked, after seeing my appearance.

My eyes widen, yet again. This hadn't happened just once?

Jonathan laughed at my expression. "When she toured with us, Matty was so protective of her. That girl changed his life."

"What happened?" I asked him, attempting to get information about Kate from anywhere, or anyone. At this point, I was growing angrier by the second

He opened his mouth as if to say something, but stopped. "That's not my experience for me to share, honey."

I groaned, sliding down the seat in frustration.

Jonathan chuckled. "We're stopping for gas. If you wanna get something to snack on, now's the time."

I nodded, getting up from my seat.

"I'll go get my wallet." I told Jonathan.

I went to my bunk bed and an idea popped into my head. I grabbed my entire bag, taking it with me outside.

"We're stopping for gas, why are you bringing your bag?" Jonathan questioned.

"I want to place all my snacks here when we buy them, that way we don't have to deal with plastic bags and their environmental impact." I answer, and Jonathan shrugged.

I stepped out the door before any of the boys got out, taking a deep breath.

Here we go.

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