c/eight. settle down

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The doctor started doing her regular checkup, reflexes, temperature, weight, among many others, as well as asking about my diet. Yeah, not my proudest moment. Someday I'll focus more on my health.


She started shining a flashlight into my right eye, then doing the same to my left, which was more difficult for her than it should have been, since I have the most sensitive reflexes known to men.

"Everything seems alright, only a mild concussion. I'd still want you to get a head CT though, just to be sure, yeah?" She smiled, putting her flashlight in one of the pockets in her coat.

I groaned. "More tests?"

Matty laughed, his instincts leading him to taking my hand. The doctor smiled at this.

"I'm sorry if you've got a big concert coming, but your health has to come first, sweets." She handed me a prescription sheet with painkillers, in case I'd need any, and an order to get a CT.

"You're all set to go, dove. Be careful with your next Tom!" She smiles.

Ugh, don't mention Tom, please.

I sighed, standing up and thanking her, Matty followed, an eyebrow raised at the mention of Tom, but he didn't bother to ask, luckily. He hadn't let go of my hand yet, and he seemed really worried about me. Thankfully there weren't any concerts this week, but this will for sure delay us to the next one.

We walked towards the room to get the CT, where Matty was told to wait outside as I stripped down into a gown and they laid me down in the machine. I laid still for around two minutes, standing up when told, and then changing back into my clothes.

Usually, you'd have to wait to get the results of the CT, but I suppose being "famous" has it's perks, and we got them only fifteen minutes later, in which everything looked fine, as I expected.

Matty let out a sigh of relief and hugged me, planting a kiss on the side of my head. "Let's go back then." He said. I nodded in reply.

He dropped his cute act after he found out I was fine. There was no more hand-holding, no more hugs, no more nice words.

Much to my dismay, the minute we stepped into the tour bus, Jacqueline was waiting for Matty.

I rolled my eyes, walking into the bus, Matty behind me.

Jacqueline eyed me up and down. "I didn't know you were satisfactory enough to be in a tour bus!" She said, hypocrisy clearly present in her words.

"Woah, "satisfactory" is a big word, Jacqueline, don't push yourself too hard." I bit back at her. It's times like these that make me love my lack of filter. Besides, what kind of insult is that?

"Two can play this game, Mallory." She attempted to upset me by purposely pronouncing my name wrong? Yikes.

"Nah, not really feeling like dropping down to your level, shitface." I shrugged, walking past her, going near the bunk beds.

"Matty???" She whined for Matty to defend her.

He shrugged as well. "I'm not getting into your lady troubles." He went over to the fridge, taking a beer out.

"I can't believe you!" She complained.

Matty sighed. "Quit the drama, Jacq."

And even though Matty couldn't see it, I smiled.

I grabbed my headphones, a notebook and a pen that laid on top of my bunk bed, and then walked towards the studio, where Adam was mixing some tracks he had randomly recorded.

"Hey, doll face. All good?" He smiled, pushing the right side of his headphones away from his ear to be able to listen to me.

"Hey. Learning new things. I didn't know Jacqueline was allowed to sit on the couch. Leather's expensive." I joked, sitting down, instantly writing a song verse I had in my mind.

Adam laughed. "She's got serious issues alright," He stopped to trim an audio file, before continuing, "We might have to change the couch if you leave them alone outside." He finished.

"Fuck, I know. I just don't want to be outside at the moment," I said, and took a sip of Adam's coffee, which he didn't seem to mind, finishing my verse.

"I understand your pain, and I love you, truly, but I've got to finish mixing this and I'd like to be alone while I'm at it?" He says, wincing, as he attempts to kick me out in the nicest way possible.

I laughed. "Is this about the coffee?" I joked, which made Adam laugh and shake his head.

"Okay, Adamms. I've got it, I'll leave you to it." I stood up, ruffling his hair. He smiled at this, putting his headphones back on afterwards.

I took my things  and walked out of the studio, not forgetting to close the door behind me.

I looked to the kitchen, where Matty sat next to Jacqueline, who was talking about her new hairdo.

I shook my head, although I was thankful that they weren't making out, hearing her talk seemed to make me mad.

I looked around to see if any of the other guys were here, but they seemed to be out. Frankly, I don't blame them. I wish I could be out too. I wish we got to our destination already, but we were still two days away.

I decided to write a verse or two more while I was at it, and used the bunk bed as a desk, while I was standing up. I had the middle bed, so it was an advantage, I suppose. I tried to ignore the chit-chat that Matty and Jacqueline had, but it was nearly unbearable. I wondered when she was going to leave, though.

We were going to Chicago. We started in Mexico and drove from there, and I really despise the fact that Jacqueline was visiting Denver and that we just had to have a tire pop when we got to Colorado.

I grabbed my notebook and walked out towards the couch. I saw Jacqueline scoff. I ignored this and looked at the clock on the wall, 9:30 PM. We were to leave at 11:00 PM.

I looked at Matty, who was looking at me as well. His stare was oddly suspicious, as if he really wanted to say something. I took this as an opportunity to kick her out. I wanted to talk as well, maybe these song verses are the right ones.

I turned to Jacqueline. "Isn't it past your bedtime? We're about to get moving." I was obviously exaggerating, we still had an hour and a half to go, our driver wasn't even here yet, but she doesn't know that.

She turned bright red from anger and stared at Matty, who only agreed with me, surprisingly.

She took a deep breath, standing up, Matty standing up with her because it was late and it was dangerous for her to step outside alone. He's a gentleman, even with the wrong people.

She looked at me and then pulled Matty in for a gross, long French kiss.

I looked away in disgust, but expressed nothing. That should be me who's doing that.

After around a minute, I chimed in, "Are you done?"

She pulled away and smiled at Matty, who just stood there, lips swollen.

"Yes." She grinned at me in satisfaction, and Matty was left dumbfounded, wiping Jacqueline's saliva off of his lips.

"Let's go, Jacq." He gestured for her to head towards the door and she gracefully accepted.

Fuck you, Jacqueline. At least you're out of the bus now.

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