c/eighteen. people

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Hey there, it's been a while! Thanks for being so patient. Here's your chapter!


Matty's POV.

I ran my hands through my hair. "Fuck." I groaned.

I fucked up. I had her, and I fucked up, and she left.

She probably went back with Tom. That asshole doesn't deserve her, I don't get it.

I paced back and forth, muttering arguments to try and justify why Valerie had left, when Jonathan stopped me in my tracks.

He placed his hands on either of my shoulders, stilling me. "Calm down. She's coming back, she has to. She signed a contract."

I chuckled. "She's coming back, not because of me, but because of a contract." I pushed his hands off of me and took a step back.

He sighed. "Matty, you know very well that's not what I meant."

I poked out my bottom lip and shook my head sideways. "Don't worry, she doesn't need me. She has Tom."

"We don't know where she is or what she's doing, stop saying that." He said, his tone sounded a little exhausted, and I don't blame him, to be honest.

All this drama between Jacqueline and I definitely set us back a week and we won't be able to make it to the concert. If we pray to our record label, maybe they can move some strings and book us a small venue so we don't have to refund everyone and disappoint them above everything.

Valerie leaving definitely does not make this any easier. I never thought I would upset her to this extent. George should have never mentioned Kate.

I need a fag.

I take a deep breath and rush past Jonathan, who – after my mental break – was now leaning against the bus attempting to reach Valerie's phone, but to no avail, of course.

I get back into the tour bus and look through the pants I was wearing the day before for my pack of cigarettes, but it's empty.

"Fuck." I groaned, yet again, and threw the empty pack across the room.

"Mate, littering is a crime." Adam answered, stepping out of the studio, picking up the pack and throwing it in a nearby trashcan.

"Fuck off." I answered, leaning my arms against the top bunk bed and laying my face against them.

"She'll come back." He attempted to reassure me.

"Yeah, because she signed a damn contract, I fucking know, okay? Bloody hell." I almost yell at Adam, who only crossed his arms, staring at me.

"I thought you knew how unpredictable she was." He added, shrugging.

"Well, I guess we learn something new every day, huh?" I throw my arms up in the air, as if I had found the answer to all of my troubles.

"Stop being a cunt. If you need to get high, get high. If you need Jacqueline to swing by, fucking call her. Don't lay it off on us." Ross said, peeking out of his bunk bed while holding back the curtain only the slightest bit.

"I'm not gonna call Jacqueline." I answered, truthfully. It will only make things worse.

"Here you go, mate." George hands me a blunt, and I inhale it without a doubt.

I miss drugs. Opiods, specifically. The ones Valerie dragged me out of. I wish I had my fix ready for me right here. It would make everything so much better.

"I know what you're thinking about. Hard no. Go to bed, sleep it off. We'll talk later." George said, patting my back and taking the blunt from my hand.

Urgency. | Matthew HealyWhere stories live. Discover now