Chapter One - The orphanage

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Edited by YellowPiglet3 thanks Jojo💖

Warning: Strong language.

My name is AJ, I'm 8 years old and I'm an Mom died when I was 7 due to a virus that targets the brain.....yeah...She didn't make it. Watching her slowly die was traumatizing and I don't think I'll ever get over it. With her recovery impossible, the doctors took her off of life support and the social services shipped me off to an orphanage. My Dad left my Mom after a night together and he didn't know she was pregnant so he couldn't help nor did he know anything about her death or me. My Mom was the most important person in my life, and without her my life has been a living hell.

*Present day*

It had seemed like it was just another normal day at the orphanage when it happened. I was submerged in an amazing dream about me getting adopted by these amazing people who loved and cared for me...I never wanted it to end, but unfortunately my alarm clock jolted me out of the dream, the bed and onto the cold, hard floor. "Ugh" I groaned as I pulled myself up and slammed my hand on the top of the clock, causing it to go silent. I yawned and flopped back onto my bed, spreading my arms and legs out of my small single bed till they hung over the sides. I felt calm and slightly happy until SHE came in, she's loud, obnoxious, the pinicle of arseholeity, (still game reference) and I hated her with a burning passion. Her name? Miss Sucliff.

She hated me back but as she was a fully-grown adult and my caregiver she could act on her vendetta against me. She pushed me around and this morning she seemed to be in a particularly bad mood because as soon as she saw me move, she tip-tapped over to me in her red, neck-breaking stiletto's and grabbed me by the arm, digging in her long, red talons, before dragging me out of bed and dumping me on the wooden floor, which seemed to make the cold seep into my body. "Morning, you ungrateful little shit!!" She hissed, whilst she kicked me in the side really hard, causing me to whimper and curl up in a foetal position, to protect all of my vital organs from her fury. None of the kids in here could do anything to stop her as it would just make things worse for both of us. They were also scared of her as she would hurt me right in front of them maybe as a warning or maybe because she was too lazy to hide it, it's fair to say I'm scared of her too as she hurts every chance she gets. After she'd had her fill of beating me, she left but as she was about to reach the doorway she turned and she spat on me. None of the other children moved until she'd actually walked out the door.

*Later that day*

I was sitting outside on the door step looking out into the city when a limousine went past, it had a hand grenade in the shape of a heart being held by a hand, what looked like professionally, spray painted on the side. My eyes skimmed over the perfectly polished wheels and the amazing paint job. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a deep, kind voice speaking, "hey sweetheart...are you lost?", I looked up to see a man with black messy hair, slim face and what looked like black eyeliner lining his eyes, leaning out of the back seat window of the limousine to talk to me. "No sir ...I live here" I responded, pointing at the orphanage sign, that declared we were a 'haven for lost souls', I mentally scoff, haven yeah right. The man frowned a bit and leaned back into the limo for a few seconds before leaning back out towards me.

"An orphanage...huh" The man said, looking up at the huge, run-down building.

"Hi ...I'm Billie Joe...what's you're name?" The man asked.

"I'm AJ" I said shyly, I wasn't very good at making friends and he was a stranger after all. I started to rub my hand on my arm, a nervous tick I have. This brought the man's attention to my arms, which were starting to bruise from that morning's beating. The man gasped and practically leaped out the car window, kneeling down by my side.

"What happened to your arms?" He sounded really concerned as he put his hand on to my shoulder and lifted one arm, "Did you fall?" He asked in a really calm tone.

"No" I said, quickly glancing at the door to make sure SHE wasn't there, she doesn't like us talking to strangers apart from when they come to adopt us.

"Does someone do this to you?" I nod miserably. "In there?" I nod again.

"Who?" He questions me, his eyes show only kindness and concern. Maybe he could help and I could get out and spring this hellhole.

I glance around furtively, then beckon him closer, he leans in, "Miss Sucliff, doesn't like me so she hurts me when she's in a bad mood. "I whisper in his ear. I'm so small he has to kneel down for me to reach him, I'm small because SHE doesn't let me eat my proper share so I'm malnourished and as thin as a twig.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen again...alright?" He says, lightly bopping my nose causing me to giggle. We start to converse about all the things that I liked and disliked, he even told me his pet hates as well...he actually made me feel happy for once in my life.

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