Chapter Eight - 21st Century Breakdown

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AJ's P.O.V

The show had came to its half-time break, I sat on top of a backstage speaker as I tuned my guitar. I felt the speaker shudder before an effort-filled screech sounded from behind me, I turned to see Martin sitting next to me, his face red and his breathing heavy.

"How high is that speaker?" He asked. I laughed a little and shook my head.

"Its like a meter tall, Dude," I spoke with a raised eyebrow and a sceptical look on my face.

"Oh...." He said, glancing down towards the floor and smiling happily. I looked towards the tall boy sitting beside me. Wow he's grown, in pre-school he was always the short one, that's clearly changed.

Martin's P.O.V
I think now is the time to tell her how I've been feeling these long five years. I'm gonna just go for it. 

"Hey, AJ?" I said, turning to her with an extra goofy smile. She glanced up from her guitar, then I did something I instantly regreted, I leaned over and pecked her lips. She seemed to freeze...shooooot I thought as I bit my lip.

"I've, umm, I've got to go!" I said before leaping off the speaker and run in out the concert hall.

AJ's P.O.V

What on earth just happened? One minute I was happily talking to my best friend, the next he's kissing me. I should probably go talk to him, I got up to go out the backdoor when Tre hopped over with a big smile on his face, I mentally groaned.

"Hey Uncle Tre." I said, forcing a smile. I know forcing it wouldn't work, the guys can read me like a book.

"What's wrong, AJ.?" He asked, obviously knowing by my expression and tone that something was up.

"Promise not to tell, Dad?" I questioned. He gave me a reassuring nod.

" remember Martin, right?" I asked.

"Of course I do, he's been your best friend since you started school." He replied, I smiled a bit and nodded.

"Well..he kissed me." I said, Tre's face went serious.

"What?! When? Why?" He asked, sounding a little overprotective.

"Not that long ago." I said. Tre turned towards Billie Joe. I quickly grabbed his arm but got shoved away. I herd Tre talking to my Dad, Billie glanced over at me and sighed before trotting over.

"Hey, Kid." Billie said, he looked at me with that fatherly look.

"Hi, Dad." I replied, my dark brown hair swaying as I turned my head to face the midget of a man.

"Did Marti-boy kiss ya?" He asked, tilting his head to which I nodded in return.

"Do you like him back?" He then asked, kneeling down in front of me as he picked up my guitar that was resting at my feet. He pulled the strap across my right shoulder, making sure it was sitting straight.

"Well...only as a friend, but I don't wanna hurt the guy, he's my best friend." I sighed, feeling the weight of the guitar pull me forwards, causing me to squeak on surprise. Billie smiled at me, he then turned to Tre who was sitting at his drum kit.

"Don't worry about it, it wasn't easy for me to let down a girl when I didn't really wanna be with her either, he'll get over it." Billie said with a supportive grin.

"Alright." I said, my gaze drifted over to the backstage door. I sighed as I walked towards the double doors, I then pressed down on the push bar and opened the right-hand door, I scanned the area around me until my eyes rested on a shaken and scared looking Martin.

"Hey, Marti," I said softly, I hesitantly made my way over to him before plopping down on the bench next to him.

"Hi," He said, glancing towards me. I looked down with a unsure expression on my face.

"Well...uh..I just wanted to say, I'm sorry and I don't feel the same as you feel about me. I am so very sorry, please, please, please can we still be friends," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder to which he pulled his arm back violently.

"NO!" He said before storming off in an emotion that only I could describe as anger and rage. I felt my whole world turn upside down, what had I just done? Why did I say that? I'm officially the crappiest friend of all time. I herd the backstage door open, I glanced up to see Billie standing there looking at me.

"How'd it go?" He asked, I opened my mouth but all that came out was a whimper, tears started forming in my eyes. Billie walked over and sat next to me, wrapping one arm round my shoulder, I flopped over so my head was resting comfortably on his shoulder.

"Didn't take it well, did he?" Billie mumbled. I nodded as tears flowed down my cheeks.

(A/N Will AJ and Martin renew their friendship . It will it all come crumbling down?)

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