Chapter Nine- The Kids of War and Peace

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    (At school the very next day)

                    AJ's P.O.V

I walked to school the next day dragging my feet, trying to delay the inevitable, God I hope he forgives me. I turned the corner to where all the lockers were, my locker was next to Martin's so I was hoping I'd bump into him.

When I got to my locker the sight that met my eyes was the worst theinh I could imagine. It was Martin, my (ex)best friend and the girl who bullied me in nursery, kissing. It wasn't just a peck on the lips either he was full on snogging her, wit h his whole holding her body against his, I felt a dark streak of betrayal course through me. Martin lifted his head, looking as if a slight amount of panic set in before he shrugged it off and glared at me.

"You jealous..." He asked, pausing. "Bitch?" He then added, I looked at him with slight anger.

"Marti-" I was cut off by the girl he was kissing, she walked over and slapped me straight across the face.

"How dare you even talk to him, you...Nerd!" She screamed. I lifted my head and glanced at Martin. For a second he looked really sad but saw me looking and glared darkly before shoving me against the locker and walking off with the girl under his arm. I lowered my head as I felt tears building up under my eyes, I slid down the locker until I sat there hugging my knees.

"What have I done..I've lost him, Marti." I berried my face deep into my knees as I felt my sad emotion flood into my body as tears started pouring out of my eyes.

                   Martin's P.O.V

"It didn't work!!" I hissed and glared at the ground. I didn't understand why AJ wasn't jealous.

"Well you did just shove her into a locker." The girl next to me said. I sighed, I've blown my chances of ever making up (and making out) with AJ.
                    AJ's P.O.V

I herd people laughing at and saying things like, 'best friends don't last forever' and 'looks like Martin made a good decision for once'. After a few minuets of that, I'd had enough. I got up and walked out of the school, my bloodshot eyes staring at the ground as I let walking.

                  Jason's P.O.V

I was sat with my base, plucking away at the strings, random notes sounding around the room. I stopped when I herd the green room door slam shut and fast footsteps running up the stairs.

"BJ?...Tre?." I paused when I herd whimpering night pitched crying sounds coming from AJ's room.

"Hey, Kid?" I said, knocking at the door. I herd the sobbing pause briefly.

"You ok?" I asked, breaking the silence. She shook her head and sat up.

"I don't wanna talk about it." AJ then spoke. I nodded, standing up and walking out the door.

                  (Time skip)

Time: Thursday 4th May, 2017

Location: London, O2 arena.

                  AJ's P.O.V

I pulled my guitar close to my small structure and walked out onto the stage holding my head high, proudly smiling at everyone. Me and my Dad shared a slight smile as we both begin playing the intro to, 'nuclear family'. We both sang with the band for about 2 whole hours. Then it was time for a break, we all ran into the green room, laughing and smiling.

"That was so much fun." I sang out, giggling.

"It would've been so awesome if Marti was here." I cheered but slowly stopped. Billie walked over and hugged me tightly.

"Forget him, AJ." He said softly and looked down at me.

(I know it's a really short chapter but I may add some more)

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