Chapter Six - Give me Novocaine

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*Later that day in the school *

AJ's P.O.V

I was paired up with this girl with long brown hair, her skin colour was orange, clearly she'd been using her fake tan too much. So I got up and trotted over to the girl and as I went to sit down, she pulled the chair out from under me, causing me to fall backwards and squeak in pain. The girl started laughing, and the whole class joined in, except Martin. The teacher looked up and got up from her chair before walking over and placing a hand on my shoulder, she looked down at me with the a sympathetic look, "Are you OK?" She asked, I nodded. The girl who caused me to fall glared at me and growled under breath "SHE started it!" The girl snapped, "Detention, Miss Blofit for back chat," with that the teacher walked back to her desk before logging the detention on the computer so that the girl couldn't get out of it. The girl muttered under her breath as she gave me a dirty look which made me want to curl up into a ball and hide for all eternity.  She walked over to me, and leaned over my desk, behind which I was now seated after I'd picked myself of of the floor, she now towered over my small structure as the teacher got up and walked off. The girl leaned forewards and grabbed me by the shirt.

"Watch your back." She said, coldly glaring at me as I stood up from my chair,  only to get pushed back down to the floor again. I suddenly had a flashback to that moment when Miss Suclif first started beating me, I felt my breathing start to get faster, my hands became clammy and tears were pouring down my cheeks as I froze up.

"AJ?" I herd a faint voice call from outside of my 'day nightmare' haze, I did the worst thing you could possibly do in front of new people that have just started to get to know you...I started to cry, I curled up next to the table leg and let all my tears spill down my face.

"Oh my gosh!! Call 911..she's having a Panic attack!" Martin's voice screeched. I started to feel as if my throat was closing up, breathing in short harsh pants as more tears poured down my face. I grasped at my throat, trying to somehow open it up to get more air, before I passed out. However it was too late, I could feel my movements become weaker and weaker before I saw no more.

*Time Skip*

Billie Joe's P.O.V

I was busy tuning my guitar when I got a phone call from...the hospital? Why would they be calling? Had something happened? Was it the band? AJ? I nervously picked up my phone and placed it against my ear and listened intently to the person speaking.

"Yeah...wait...yeah...I'll be right there!" I said, dropping my guitar and running towards the door, grabbing my keys before sprinting to my car and driving to the hospital. I paced the corridors of the childrens ward till I found a nurse that took me to a consulting room where AJ sat being calmed down, she looked like she's been crying.

"AJ, are you OK?" I asked as soon as the small girl saw me she ran into my chest and wrapped her arms round my torso. I looked down at her and placed one hand on her head, brushing her hair back with my fingers.

"What happened?" I asked the nurse while holding the shaking child. The nurse looked at me, she obviously knew who I was and stared for a long time.

"Answer me!" I said impatiently. The nurse jumped and walked over to me.

"She had a Panic(! at the Disco, sorry I couldn't resist) attack." She said with a uncomfortable tone. I nodded once and knelt down to AJ, looking at her.

"Why and How?" I asked, feeling myself getting a little desperate for answers.

"A girl in her class was degrading her using physical and verbal threats, I guess that might have triggered a flashback from her past or she could just be sensitive to that sort of behavior or language, there are lots of possibilities. I would, however recommend therapy, it could help, it's not compulsory but it could help." The nurse said with an unsure tone of voice, when she was talking about what could have triggered the panic attack. I sighed and turned to AJ before picking up the small girl.

"Let's go home." I said before we walked out and got into the car. AJ said noting all the way home.

"Want ice cream?..anything?" I asked, taking my eyes off the road for a second to look at her. She shook her head in return. "Ok." I said as we pulled into the driveway. 

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