Chapter two - Meeting the nuclear family

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The man bent down and picked me up , strolling casually into the into the orphanage, with me propped up against his hip. He looked around before seeing Miss Suclif's office. "Bingo" he muttered under his breath. He knocked on the door frame then entered without giving HER the time to respond. " I would like to adopt a child?" Billie Joe asked.

"Oh of course" She looked up from the papers she was studying, then glanced down again, before doing a double take, "Wait a minute. are you?" she started to rise from her swivel chair with a semi excited expression.

"Yes..I am and please can we focus on the task at hand" Billie Joe sassed back, he didn't like her or her attitude towards him after she found out he was famous.

Miss Sutclif sighed. "Which one?" She asked before looking at me. "This one" Billie Joe replied , holding me up towards her slightly. I clung to him more, not wanting to go any nearer to HER than I have to. "Yeah I'd like to adopt AJ" He says while cradling me closer, like only a father would go his daughter...I felt safe...for once in my life ..I felt safe.

Billie Joe's P.O.V

Was I really gonna so this..adopt a kid while on tour, aw shit the guys are gonna be pissed. So after I filled out a mountain of paper work and forms, AJ was officially under my care. I picked up the small child in front of me and carried her out the door, I am never gonna let her be near this place again, I'm never going to let get re-live the things she went through...what kind of a father would I be if I did?.

Tre Cool's P.O.V

I was sitting at my drum kit , patting the side symbols, suddenly Billie Joe walked in looking exactly the same as before if not a bit ruffled but this time he carried a small child with him. "Hey BJ, who's the kid?" I asked pointing a drumstick at her. Billie Joe let the girl down and she shyly pressed against his side , burying her face into his hip. "Awwwweeehh" I started fanboying a little as I got up and walked over, kneeling down to the girl's height. "What's your name , sweety?" I asked, smiling brightly. "A..AJ" she said in the quietest voice I've ever heard, I was barley able to distinguish what she was saying.

Mike's P.O.V

I herd Tre's loud squealing from backstage, I rolled my eyes and put my guitar down before heading up there to see what all the fuss was about. Jason, Tre and Billie joe were all standing, looking at something that was just behind Billie but in front of Tre. "Huh?" I approached and as I did I saw a kid standing under Billie Joe's arm. I tilted my head "what is a kid doing back here?" I asked them but all I got was a harsh 'shush!' Instead.

AJ's P.O.V
Everyone was being so kind..I don't understand why, no one has ever treated me like this before, I think I'll grow to like it, my new family. I felt so happy that I actually starts to tear up. Billie Joe leaned down and ruffled my hair gently "awh..I hope those are tears of joy...or is Tre scaring you?" He chuckled. I leaned up and hugged him, I turned and pulled Tre and Jason , of course Mike too into the hug.

(Hope you all liked this chapter)

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