The Ultrasound

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Destiny's face lit up; she crushed Stevie in a hug and both cried tears of joy.
Although, they knew they weren't out of the woods yet.

Dr. Bartlett went over the usual information about pregnancy. She also gave Stevie prenatal vitamins and a couple more medications that she had to take to ensure a smooth pregnancy. But, because Stevie was older now, Dr. Bartlett wanted to keep a close eye on her just in case.

"I'll see you in four weeks for your first ultrasound." Dr. Bartlett said before sending them on their way.

After leaving Dr. Bartlett's office, Destiny took her parents out to eat lunch. During their lunch, they talked about what the next steps were; Destiny wanted to be there for her mother, it was decided that once Stevie entered the second trimester, Destiny and Mathew would move in with her parents.
They were going to alternate between their home and Destiny's parents home so they could get the nursery ready for the baby and be there for Stevie.

As the weeks passed, life for the Buckingham family went on as usual. Lindsey would go to the studio from morning till dinner time while Stevie stayed home with Robin and would spend some time with Aiden.

When Stevie was in her fifth week of pregnancy, that's when she began to have symptoms. She began to feel tired all the time and she had begun to have morning sickness.

Karen had to help out more with Robin who wouldn't leave Stevie's side for a second.
Karen had to find different ways to keep her preoccupied while Stevie would spend time leaning over the toilet bowl.

The day before her first ultrasound, Stevie was in her room laying in bed; Robin curled by Stevie's side.

Stevie hummed a melody she had stuck in her head; she was working on new songs to bring to the new album. She had been writing like crazy.

As she hummed, Stevie ran her fingers through Robin's curls. Robin relaxed, closing her blue grey eyes; she soon drifted off to sleep.

Stevie stopped then kissed her little girl's forehead and decided to get some sleep too.
But before she could fall asleep, she felt a presence standing in the doorway of her bedroom.

She looked up and saw Aiden standing there; he had a scared look in his eyes and he seemed nervous. Stevie sat up and beckoned Aiden to come to her.

He slowly made his way towards her. "" He said nervously. "Can I talk to you?"
"Of course!" Stevie said.
Aiden looked at Robin then back to Stevie. "Can I speak to you in my room?"
"Sure sweet heart." Stevie said as she stood up gently, making sure not to wake Robin.

She led the way to Aiden's room; Aiden motioned for Stevie to sit down on his bed. She did as he instructed.

"Mom...I need to tell you something. Something that I have been struggling with for a while. Well, years." Aiden began. "I've been wanting to tell you for so long but...I've been scared of your reaction. Especially now; I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby. But...I can't keep it in anymore."

Stevie waited for Aiden to continue. When he didn't she said. "Aiden, honey, go on. I promise I'm fine, and so is the baby. Come on now tell me. I'm getting worried."
Aiden sat down on his bed next to his mother and took a deep breath. "Mom...what I'm about to tell you is something that I've known since a young age. But it wasn't till I was fourteen that I began to understand why I was feeling the way I felt." He took a deep breath then said. "Mom...I'm...I'm gay."

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