Second Chance

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As the week went on, Barbara and Jess would spend time with their grandchildren while Lindsey and Stevie would be working at the studio.
Barbara and Jess decided to stay an extra day so they could be there when Destiny and Stevie would find out the gender of their new family member. While Stevie had her appointment, Barbara and Jess stayed behind with Robin and Aiden so they could spend some more time with them.

Lindsey and Stevie took a day off from the studio so Lindsey could accompany Stevie, Destiny and Mathew to the appointment. It felt like a big day for them; Stevie was excited to find out whether she was having a grandson or a granddaughter. Destiny was excited to find out the gender of her baby but she couldn't help but feel a dark cloud floating above her darkening her excitement.

Stevie could feel there was something wrong going on in her daughter's life. She asked a few times what was wrong but Destiny kept saying that there wasn't anything wrong and that she was fine. Stevie's motherly instincts kicked in and she knew Destiny was lying. She didn't push it however because she knew the more she asked, the more Destiny would shut down and not tell her anything.

They all waited in a exam room waiting for Dr. Bartlett to finish up with her patient she was currently attending to.

Stevie had one hand on her belly; which was much more noticeable now. Lindsey stood beside her and rubbed her back in a circular motion.

Destiny held onto Mathew's hand; she didn't want to but she knew she had to put on a show of a happy marriage in front of her parents. She wished she could get past Mathew's infidelity and forgive him, but her heart was in pieces.

Suddenly, Stevie gasped then a smile crossed her face. "Des, come here!"
"Mom! What's wrong?" Destiny stood up quickly and walked over to Stevie.
"Nothing is wrong." Stevie said as she reached for her daughter's hand and placed it where she had had her hand.
Destiny was worried but then a few seconds later, she felt her baby kick. Tears of joy flooded her eyes; Destiny smiled wide. "Oh my god!" She said, her voice full of emotion. Her tears rolled down her cheeks but her smile never faltered.
"I have felt the baby move around but, this is the first time I felt the baby kick." Stevie said, she too had a smile on her face with happy tears in her eyes. Stevie giggled as they felt another kick. "Oh my! This little one is strong. I'm in trouble when they get bigger and won't have much room left to move around."

Destiny was too emotional to speak; she just wrapped her arms around her mother and cried happy tears. After a moment, Destiny broke away and said. "Thank you so much for doing this. I know I said that before but...gosh I'm going to keep saying it. This wouldn't be possible without you. I love you so much mom!"
Stevie's emotions took over and she cried too as she held her daughter in her arms. "I love you too!"

Both women cried while the men just looked at each other and shrugged. Stevie then broke away and asked Mathew if he wanted to feel the baby kick. Mathew stood up and with Stevie's help placed his hand where the baby was actively kicking. Mathew's eyes filled with tears; both happy and sadness. His child was in there growing, and he felt as if his child will have to grow up in a broken home if he and Destiny didn't make this marriage work.

Next was Lindsey's turn to feel; he smiled wide and kissed the side of Stevie's head. After, they all took a moment to get themselves together before Dr. Bartlett came in.

A minute after, Dr. Bartlett came into the room. "I'm so sorry I'm late!" She said as she greeted everyone.

"It's alright." Destiny said. "We were just having a moment a while ago. The baby kicked for the first time and my mom says that they haven't stopped since."
"That's wonderful!" Dr. Bartlett said. "Now...are you all ready to check in on baby Williams?"

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