Chapter 17.

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It's been weeks since I've seen or talked to Toni and I must admit that I don't like it. I mean it's not like I couldn't have found someone else to kick it with it's just that I kind of just want to kick it with Toni. I just want to grab her booty and give her hickies all over her neck as long as she's not bullshitting with me. If not anything, I just want to talk. These last couple of weeks I've been going through a lot of shit that's been really pissing me off and for some reason the only person I've been able to vent to is my baby and now she probably doesn't want anything to do with me.

"What's up bro?"I hear Melvin.

"What's up?"I said back.

"What you doing?"he asked.

"What do you want?"I asked back.

" You got twenty dollars, I'm trying to go out with some friends tonight?"he asked.

"Friends? What kind of friends?"I asked suspiciously.

"Guy friends and maybe a couples bitches,"he said.

"Hey don't say that shit, don't ever call a female a bitch,"I said shoving him.

"My bad my bad,"he said apologetically.

"Here,"I said handing him money out my pocket,"That's all I got."

"Fifteen bucks?"he asked.

"Go get five from mama,"I said watching him walk away.

"Alright thanks and oh Toni called today too,"he blurted.

"Wait, she did?"I asked,"When?"

"When you went to the gym she called the house phone but she didn't really say anything,"he continued,"I'm guessing when she heard it was me and not you she just hung up. Dumb huh?"

"My phone was dead, when I was at the gym,"I realized,"Let me call her back, get out."

I grabbed my phone and started dialing but quickly switched to messages thinking that if I text her it'll give me more time to think in case we get into a deep conversation.



You called?

Umm yea earlier

Well what? Did you want something? Needed something?

Yes actually, I just wanted to talk.

Wellll here I am

I wanted to talk in person. Face to Face


I don't know, tonight? Or whenever you're not busy.

I'm not busy right now. It's 8 pm.

Can you meet me at the park in thirty minutes?

Yea sure

See you then.

I closed my phone and started getting dressed. I wonder what Toni wants to talk about especially at this time of night. Anyway, I went into my drawer and pulled out some joggers and a t shirt along with my Nike slides and a hoodie. After getting dressed, I brushed my teeth just in case I get a kiss as well as washed my face since I've been basically sleep most of the day. Once I was done, I finally grabbed my car keys and left.

When I finally made it to the park, it was 8:40. I thought she said 30 minutes. I turned my car off and waited for like an extra 10 minutes before I seen a car pulled up right beside mines. It was her. I watched as she turned it off and got out quickly hopping into mines. She was wearing this big gigantic coat and her hair was extended and dyed a new color I believe but she still looked gorgeous. She also had roses with her.

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