Chapter 29.

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A year later

"How was class today love?"I said grabbing my wife's hand so I could kiss it.

"It was good hubby, your son kept me getting up and going to the bathroom the whole time."

"Awww baby, he's almost done cooking now so that'll be all over soon,"I responded kissing her lips.

Toni's 9 months pregnant with our first son and I have yet to calm down about it. I'm so excited that we get to bring this beautiful creature into the universe and I am more than lucky to get the opportunity to create life with such a beautiful woman. We're so close to having this baby it's almost unbelievable. Toni's been cramping a lot more than normal recently, however, she's been managing. She's such a strong woman. Our first year anniversary is also coming up very soon so that's a plus as well. We finally made it through our first year of marriage and have yet to have any problems which is great. Also, the team has been winning this season as well and I recently just became captain. On the other hand, my baby still making good grades. She's been on the president/dean's list two semesters in a roll and has been getting on my butt to make sure I get my work done since I've been so focus on basketball. I graduate in a few months so grades are definitely important. That's why I love her.

"Have you talked to daddy?"She asked.

"Yea we talked this morning, I got the job."

"Congratulations baby, I'm so proud of you!"

"Yea I start in about a week, I have to run up there in the morning to fill out some paperwork and then I start my training."

Over the past few months, Rev. Braxton and I have been getting very very close. He's actually starting to finally acknowledge me as his son-in-law and I'm super happy about that. He's been getting me connected to a lot of employers because he knew the baby was close and that we needed money to raise our baby. Mrs. Braxton has been gracious as always to me as well. She even offered to move to California for a while to help take care of the baby while we finished up school.

"I'm so glad y'all starting to get closer,"she said stuffing a burger down her throat.

"Damn baby slow down!"I laughed grabbing a napkin to wipe her face.

"Sorry, We've been hungry all day,"she responded referring to our son in her belly.

"I see, come here,"I said bending over to kiss my baby's stomach, "I can't wait to meet you Jr."

"You're so cute baby, you're going to make a great father."

"And you're going to make a sexy ass mama, baby number 2 will be here sooner than you expect."

"Oh hell no this baby has been giving me hell and he's not even here yet!"

We laughed and finish our food. I decided after our last few classes that I would take Toni out on a date. It's been so long since we've gone out together and I know for sure when Jr. gets here it'll be even more hard to get out, but we're working on that right now. I truly believe that children are more happy when their parents are happy and in a marriage I'm learning that it's very important to put your mental health and relationship first therefore it'll be much easier to teach and raise productive little humans. We have to set the example because they're watching us. We both have accepted that this journey will be the hardest one yet but we've agreed to not let this transition hurt our marriage as it's done for others. He's a blessing to our family.

"I have so much freaking homework to do tonight, I need a break from school."

"What's it on Baby I can help?"

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