Chapter 24.

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"Marry you?"Toni asked,"Kenny listen, we just got back together."

"I know."

"I'm only 16, and you're 18,"she started,"First of all what we have now is considered statutory rape, then I'm still in school, our parents would never approve, and we have no money no life, how could we possibly be ready for marriage?"

"Baby we have the rest of our lives to be together, we might not marry tomorrow or even 5 years from now, as long as I get to marry you one day I'll be satisfied."

"I don't know Kenny even engagement is a scary thing, we don't know what kind of people we'll be in 5 years not even 2, I wouldn't want to tie you down when you have a life to live and enjoy while you can and young, this is all too soon."

"I love you, I'm certain about that," I started,"Wear the ring."

She gave me her hand and I slid the ring on her finger watching as it shimmered on her finger and as her eyes glistened. I hugged and kissed her, wiping her tears away. I'm in love with her.



"What are you two doing in here?"

"Just catching up sir,"I lied.

"What's that on your finger?"

"What do you mean?"Toni asked.

"There's a ring on your wedding finger."

"It's a promise ring,"I spoke for Toni since she didn't have the courage to speak.

"A promise ring?"

"Yes Daddy, uhh it's a symbol of our new beginning of our relationship together."

"What's the promise?"

"That we'll always remain true to each other sir."

"Is that right?"

"Umm Daddy what did you want again?"

"We're getting ready to leave."

"Why so soon?"

"It's almost midnight, so I came to get you."

"Oh umm can Kenny take me ho..."

"No Toni."

"Five minutes Daddy."

Toni's Dad finally left out of the room and Toni immediately jumped on me for a kiss. We started making out until she let my lips go.

"I love you,"she said rubbing my chest while staring at her ring.

"I love you too fiancée."

"Fiancé huh?"She laughed,"Sounds so weird, scary but...."she started,"Worth it."

I kissed her again before she finally got up and I walked her down the stairs.

"You two been up there for a while I almost forgot you were the one we were celebrating,"my mama said as she watched us come down the stairs.

"Sorry, we needed to catch up."

"I had a wonderful time Ms. Edmonds and I can't wait to try the food."

"That's good sweetie, It was a pleasure and we really appreciate you all coming out to celebrate my son tonight."

"We should hang out more, it was nice talking to you Barbara,"Toni's mother said hugging my mom,"Congrats again Kenny."

"Thank you Mrs. Braxton,"I said hugging her,"Thanks to everybody for coming really."

Everyone started to leave and soon the party was over. I hugged Toni one more time before she left then I went into the house to eat. Once I was done eating, the bed was calling me.

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