those days

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I asked all my friends plus myself to type this and I did it the way they described it and then typed it up so yeah please don't take offense! I don't mean to offend anybody please remember that.

Hi, so I'm changing things up and am going to talk to you guys/girls today. In my experience when I read something that's like 'you'  did this it helps me imagine myself as that person because well it says 'you' if you're not the same deal with it or stop reading but this should be funny. 

Yep you guessed it today's chapter is about 'those day's...'

This topic could cover just about anything but personally I think I'll only cover a few things because otherwise I'll probably never get to update this.

That day where everything is against you day.

Soooooo everyone has had this day. DON'T LIE! You would have had to have one day where you feel like the whole bloody world hates you and everyone is just annoying and in your way.

Like let's go back a bit. Maybe you were going to school and all was well with the world until you look down and see this massively jynormous (it may or may not be a word. Either way deal with it) spider right in front of your foot and nearly crap your pants?

Yeah I have to say if something like this has happened to you please comment because it's happened to me and I swear that one spider wanted to be a puppy because it followed me for like 5 meters. I didn't like it.

So you have a spider right in front of you in the morning and then well you're all happy again and then a bird poops on your school uniform?

I've actually never had this happen to me but I suppose I just jinxed myself but hey it has happened to a fair few of my friends and being the nice person that I am I burst out laughing which I got scolded for.

So spider and bird poop. Yay the day is going great yeah? No

So we all have those friends who some times say something that reminds you of your parents or they get completely worked up over that one tiny little thing you did and act all bossy and scold you just like your parents did that day and suddenly you're like whoa man/woman chill out it ain't that bad and then they lose it again for speaking to them like that?

Yeah. This has happened to me once and let me tell you I freaked out because of how much ny friend actually sounded like mum and I was just like no way my mums learned how to possess people and was completely paranoid that whole day.

Okay I'm joking the the possess thing isn't true neither is the paranoid bit but that's how one of my other friends described it and I thought why not.

So what do we have so far?... umm
Spider - tick
Bird poop - tick
Parental friends - tick
Falling over in front of everyone and completely embarrassing yourself before laughing like a lunatic - ahh huh nope not covered.

So it's the end of the school day you have about ten minutes left of sport class and suddenly you're called on by your teacher to join in and play tee-ball. (not sure if that's how you spell it but oh well) now for all those poor unfortunate people who don't know what tee-ball is I feel sorry for you but basically it's the exact same as baseball but instead of someone throwing the ball at you and trying to knock you the heck out you get a high stand like thing that the ball sits on. Now that you poor unfortunate child knows what tee-ball is I can continue. So you get called to join in and you walk up all confident like whoo yeah I'm amazing. You pick the bat and go to hit the ball and miss, well you're unlucky. Then you have another go and again you miss, well now you're dumb but providing humor good on you kiddo. So on your last try you hit it and look at that it goes out of the triangle by a fare bit but instead of being normal and running you stand there like the spastic you are your mouth gaping open like a I-don't-know-what. You're just amazed that you hit the ball that was sitting perfectly still doing nothing that you missed the first TWO times. Anyway so your team starts screaming at you like a bunch of banshees and you snap out of the gobsmacked spastic mode and go into glaring spastic mode. How spastic can you get? Anywho finally you get it into your head that OH CRAP YOU HAVE TO RUN TO A BASE! And so you take off with the bat in hand then realize wait I can't have the bat with me so you drop it but where? Out besides you no you're too dumb for that. Behind you? Nah that's so not cool anymore. So you hold your hand out in front of you and drop it only to, seconds later I might add, fall over the same bat you stupidly dropped in front of you and do a somersault before landing on your face?

Yeap, that hasn't happened to me yet but I've seen it happen and once that person jumps up alright you see that one spectator off on the sidelines laughing like a complete dork? Yeah I'm that dork who will go to sit down and realize only too late that I had taken a couple of steps forward in my moment of worry for that kid. That's me.

Anyway so that's the very bad 'the worlds against you day'

Comment if any of these have been you.

Okay guys/girls I know that I may have used a few offensive descriptions in here but keep in mind that's not the intention at all.

QUOTE, RANDOM, LAUGH! have FunWhere stories live. Discover now