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Alright I've read a lot of books on wattpad and there's one thing I hate more than anything and it's the negative comments.

I just started to reread an all time favorite of mine and everywhere I look at the comments someone is saying how bad they think it is.
I've seen people be rude and completely brutally honest so I think it's my turn.

First up.


Nine out of ten people will more than likely look at you being negative and putting down the writing of an eleven yr old girl and think 'well he/she is a complete b*tch'. Other people may be nice but guess what I'm not. Being a negative no good prat doesn't do a damn thing for your image and half of the comments I've seen are bordering on CYBER BULLYING. Don't do it!



Okay so woohoo you can pick out all the bad things? Good on ya but oh my god hey! Try picking out the good things and not being a jerk.  Oh I'm sorry is that to hard? Well guess what, like you I don't give a damn about your feelings wanna know why? Because you don't care about anyone else's!!



so you think you're being funny or helpful? In reality all you're doing is putting down someone's hard work! I can think of billions of people who would hate it if everyone put down their work especially after they spent sooooo much time on it. Those people started to write because they wanted to share their stories. I don't care if you don't like it because chances are a heck of a lot of people hate your work.

People are so good at putting other people's work down but half the time their work is just completely shit. I don't know about the rest of world but if I find you being rude and doing stuff like that then I'll hate everything you do it doesn't matter if you're writing rocks because you can't find the time to keep your own hurtful words to yourself. It doesn't make you anything but a jerk and those aren't the people who I want to look up to. Someone could be the worst writer ever but never put anyone down and you'll find that everyone wants to read to their books and HELP them get better.

What you people do is destroying confidence, despite what you may think you're doing.

Find this mean and offensive or whatever else but the more you hate being called out, the guiltier  you are.

If you don't do this speak up and I don't mean have go at people on comments I mean do something useful. For every bad comment give a compliment because all those people do is destroy what someone has worked on, pick that person back up and show that no matter what someone cares.

If you do do this as in comment hurtful things. I have one more thing to say to you.

Get a life and don't use it to destroy people.

For others use your life and words to pick up the people the jerks pull down.

I'm Tegan and I'm calling people out. If there's a next time I have to do this, I might not be this nice.

I hate that this happens. So do so many others.

We can't stop people from doing it but we can help those who are being targeted.

Harry Potter Love Story Gracie Style. It may not start amazingly but it ends up being the best book ever. Disagree? Well then say it to yourself. Agree? Comment the praise.

Same goes for every other story out there.

QUOTE, RANDOM, LAUGH! have FunWhere stories live. Discover now