Tribute To My Friends

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Recently I've been talking to my friends more as I stopped talking to them when I got really sick. I was out of the picture for while and I'm not proud of how I just up and left because I was struggling.

My friends, each and every single one of them, have been with me through thick and thin. They haven't given up on me even when I was a terrible friend or pushed them to talk about that they weren't ready to talk about.

They pick me up and remind me of who I am, they tell me to shut up, that I'm beautiful, that I have deep thoughts and just about everything else.

So to my friends.

I don't know where I'd be without you.
Some of you introduced me to Harry Potter (God bless you), some of you care so much that you'd do/have done anything I needed.

You never fail to make me smile or laugh. You joke with me and understand me more than anybody else. You tell to shut up and when I'm being dumb. You're a smartass and tell me to get my shit my together.

Safe to say I couldn't ask for better friends.

So I want to remind you that you are beautiful even though you may disagree and be able to point out every flaw you have. I don't see them.

To me beauty isn't on the outside. It's things you say, do, believe in. It's in the way that you always laugh with me or the way that you're so modest.

It's the way you care and how you never fail to show it. The way you strive to put a smile on another's face. How you will tell silly stories or say something random in the middle of an awkward silence. Each of you are amazing and truly wonderful.

I don't know if I say these things enough but I want you to know that i mean them and I want you to know that I will always remind you that you're beautiful. I'll probably be that protective friend that threatens your crush. I'll laugh at you when you fall down and laugh at you when you get up. I'll be the rock you need when you're crying, unless you're crying because someone hurt you then I'll be hunting that person down and making them pay. I'll do stupid stuff just to make you laugh. I'll be the most annoying person in the world and just when you're about to tell to go away I'll hug you say "we ride together we die together."
I'll be cheesy and always quote movies and books. I'll be there through thick and thin and tell you when you're wrong or being a loser. I'm classy like that. I'll stay up late and talk you through boy/girl troubles and invite you over so we can make revenge plans or watch sparkling vampires fall for brown haired humans. I'll scream and run away without warning when I see a spider and wait just long enough for you to join me.

And I'll even share my food with you so you know how important you are.

After all you are my friend and you deserve the best so I'll have to pickup my game and try to be that.

QUOTE, RANDOM, LAUGH! have FunWhere stories live. Discover now