My first ever story: Part 2

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This is the first andconly other chapter that I wrote for this story.
Since I shared the Prologue I figured why the hell not. Be easy on this chapter.

After his wife Hannah Zilenia passed, Michael tried to raise his four daughters but as the years went by he only grew depressed and sour. He had lost his love and now his warmth. As he looked on at his four daughters he tried to feel love but instead felt only guilt and grief. Not only had those four lost a mother but over time they had lost a father.

The eldest of the four girls knew that something was greatly wrong in her little family but being only four herself she didn't realize just what was to come. She watched on as her father grew more and more distant untill the now six year old girl had to fend for not only herself but her sisters as well. At the young ages of six, four and three the girls struggled to survive. Half starving they grew week and eventually sick. Nariella knew that something must be done but she didn't know what the girl didn't go school not yet at least but she could not sit and watch as her sisters cried in pain and hunger. So when the day came for her father to go to the shops she followed. Now being a observant young girl she had noticed what her father ate and how he cooked it. He had pressed the buttons on the big box on the shelf in the room that was the home to the sharp objects her father used to warn her about.

Her father pulled out the flat boxes that held his food and placed them in the rolling chair. Nariella picked up a few more of the boxes and put them with her father's he didn't notice so she added more and more. As if in daze her father paid, not seeing the looks from the other people around. Once back at the house he had shared with his wife for those years they lived together he put everything he had in his refrigerator except one. Now Nariella knew that she had watch and learn. So watch and learn she did. She noticed the odd buttons her father pressed and how he opened the box with his hand before putting holes in the clear stuff that covered the food.

She waited for what her father would do next. Holding her breath as though trying not to make a sound.  She waited  for what felt like forever, before the box beeped

Her father open it and put an odd type thing on his hand before pulling out the black thing that held his food in place. Now Nariella watched quite carefully as her father used one sharp thing to rid his food of the clear stuff before putting it on the flat hard thing and carrying them both to his office.

Now Nariella had watched what he had done but it all seemed to hard for her to pull off. She was about to give up when she heard her sisters cry. Holding back tears she pulled up a chair and grabbed the hard flat thing as well as the odd thing and sharp thing. She pulled out the flat box and tried to do what her father did but couldn't do it herself.

Huffing in defeat the little girl looked at what was in front of her. Almost in tears she gave up and in anger pused really hard on sharp thing. The box moved forward sliding somehow.

The little girl dragged it back, she saw the sharp things tip hand gone. Pulling hard on the the sharp thing she pulled it out but not without leaving a stinging line on the little girls hand.

Not caring much she flipped the tap like had seen her father do had done and put her hand under the the stream of water. Keeping still she watched as the water splashed against her hand before getting hot.

Nariella squealed before taking her hand away. Flipping the tap back down she turned back to the box. Pulling on the whole she hand made. She pulled the flat box apart and put wholes in the clear stuff then she put it in the box and slamed the door. Pressing the same buttons then waiting. She listened to the cries of her sisters before hearing the beep.

She opened the door and pulled on the odd thing before touching the black thing that held her food. She pulled it out but touched it to. Squealing again she launched it forward by some sort of luck it ended up on the table.

Laughing slightly she picked up the bitting sharp thing and copied her father. Pulling away the clear stuff she then moved to put it in the hateful big bin that bit your fingers if you didn't move away quickly. 

Going back she pulled on the handle and a drawer with four pink things came forward. Grabbing the pink things she shut the drawer and placed them on the floor before picking up the  food and slowing walking to the room in which her sisters were in.

Running back she grabbed the pink things and took them to her sisters. Remembering what her father used to do she put the food on the pink thing and fed it to her younger sisters. 

Every time her father got his food, Nariella would do the same. Three times a day.

Not long after she got the hang of it. A man came to the house he talked to the girls father then left everyday the man came back and helped Nariella with her sisters and talked to her father. Untill one day he came and then so did the flashing cars and trucks. Many people entered her home that day and one left in a big black bag. She didn't see her father at all that day.

The man came back and picked Nairella and her sisters up. He took them to a big place where he let them play. The four sisters didn't leave the house after that. The man and a woman stayed with them and helped Nariella feed her sisters and everything.

But she never saw her father. She wondered where he went, and why she didn't see him.

QUOTE, RANDOM, LAUGH! have FunWhere stories live. Discover now