ummm... yeah

6 3 0

So you text him, he doesn't text back. He was obviously so excited that you texted him, that he fainted.

I love that quote.↑

Here's another↓

This is my life.

Mum:  you're so beautiful, sweetie.

Dad:  if any boy asks you out, I'm coming for him.

Grandparents: you're so gorgeous, guys must be all over you.

Friends of parents:  you're going to break lots of hearts.

Friends:  you're Pretty, now shut up.

Boys: why is that potato looking at me?

*insert laugh here*

Just in case you didn't smile or weren't amused.

My teacher pointed at me with his ruler and said "At the of this ruler there's an idiot!"

I got detention after asking which end.


QUOTE, RANDOM, LAUGH! have FunWhere stories live. Discover now