1| The Iliad.

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Because you feel like home to me,
that's why I love you.



His mouth found its way to my neck as he hovered over me. I let out a soft moan and he responded back with a moan of his own, letting her know he was satisfied.


The word echoed through my head and I let out a gasp, in the process bumping my head against Bellamy's head.

"Fuck!" I swore, pressing my hand against my forehead as Bellamy hissed and did the same. I pressed my back against our bed ans panted. "I'm sorry, Bell."

"It's okay. Again?" He laid down beside me, leaving his shirt off and his hair messy. I nodded. After we killed the citizens of Mount Weather and basically killed Mount Weather like so I kept having words or situations echoing in my head. It wasn't only what happend at Mount Weather but it was also Finn that haunted my thoughts and dreams.

"I'm okay. Besides, it had a good timing. We're seven minutes late to Lincoln his training." I grinned sheepishly. Bellamy his eyes widened, Lincoln wasn't scared to give us fifty extra push-ups beforehand and I knew that he was planning on doing that today for sure.

Bellamy hurried out of bed, pulling on his shirt and his guards jacket. When Kane had offered us the jackets Bellamy had excepted it but I had declined, as the second Commander it wouldn't look that good. I was often called to help Lexa and I spent lesser time in Arkadia- previously called Camp Jaha, but everybody could safely assume he was dead.

My feet hit the cold floor and I pulled my black leggings on and let my shirt on the small table in the corner of the room. I knew that I would discard my shirt ten minutes into the training anyway. "Ready for those extra fifty push-ups?" I asked jokingly.

Bellamy shrugged but the distaste in his eyes was clearly visible. "Won't kill me, right?"

I answered with a shrug and a playful smile. I surely wouldn't mind.


I swiftly missed Lincoln his punch aimed for my face but Bellamy was not that lucky. Lincoln knocked him on the ground and the audience around us, the standard audience that always cheered when we trained, made a painful sound.

Lincoln shot them a look, "He had me, but he was too aggressive." He explained, making me chuckle.

"Aggressive, huh?" I had an amused smile on my face and I held my hans out for him to help him stand up.

Bellamy rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say." He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up.

"Quitting so soon?" Lincoln questioned as Bellamy walked to the sideline with me.

I chuckled, "Mapping run. Sector seven." I told him. "Harper, lets get this over with." Harper tossed a fimiliar jacket to hers and Bellamy's to him. He shot us a confused look and he looked down at the Guard jacket in his hands as I pulled myself in my own clothes which were a mix of Grounder and Ski Kru.

Bellamy pointed to the jacket, "The Council wants you to have that." He explained.

The Grounder raises and eyebrow, "I'm Trikru."

Scarlett smiled, "A uniform doesn't change that, I mean, look at me. I'm the second Commander and one of the leaders here. Lincoln, this is your home now."

"What about your home then?" He asked me and I shot him a grin.

"He's standing right next to me." I answered, pointing at Bellamy.

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