4| To torture and kill.

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Perhaps I don't deserve nice things because I'm paying for sins I don't remember.



I stood beside Octavia, watching Pike give an eulogy for the fallen at Mount Weather. It sucked and I wanted to leave. Bellamy wanted me to stay. I stayed and told him I was only doing it for Gina.

"All that’s certain is that we die. How we die is up to us." Pike started and I rolled my eyes. We don't decide how we die. We live, and asshole comes along and kills you. That's how it works here. "Who will speak for Iris Jones?"

I looked to my side to Miller's boyfriend, Bryan. He takes a deep breath and stands up, after Miller gave him a small, comforting squeeze.

"Iris was strong. Good with a knife. She saved my life. I’m just sorry I couldn’t do the same for her." Bryan kept it short.

Really? That's it? You grieve and remeber someone because you knew them not because they saved you.

He flicks open a knife and sets it on a table full of memories of the dead and returned back to his seat beside Miller, who started to comfort him, while Pike stepped back to the front.

"We will miss Iris. May we meet again." Pike said.

Suck my dick.

"May we meet again." The crowd repeated.

"Who will speak for Gina Martin?"

I looked over at Bellamy, who stood on the other side of Octavia. I leant around Octavia, "Do you want me to go with you?" I asked him but he shook his head and gave me a thankful smile.

He goes to the front of the room with The Illiad I gifted him. I told him to take it with him because she found it for me.

"Gina was real. She always saw the light, even here. She deserved better. May we meet again." Bellamy said, placing the Illiad on the table.

Just as he did, guards came through the doors and directly head for Pike.

Wait... who the fuck made him the boss around here?

I walked up to them, ignoring people who looked at me as if I was half fish half human. I place myself behind a guard and listen.

"Just came in. We saw a whole encampment, 300 strong just behind the tree ridge. There’s a bunch of them. It’s Grounders. They’re coming." He informed Pike.

I pat the shoulder of the guard and wiggle myself between him and Pike. "Supp, Pike? Yeah, no fucks given here. We should inform my mom and Kane." I told him. He looked suprised for a second but covered it up and narrowed his eyes at me but then nodded.

I don't know why he didn't just said anything back but I didn't really care. I followed him down to my mom and Kane and gave them a beaming smile as a 'hello'.

"Grounders are here, an army 300 strong camped less than a mile from here." Pike basically growled, making me want to stick a gun up his arse.

"We know." My mom told him and I smirked. I shot a look at Pike I burst out laughing. His reaction was priceless.


My mom gave me a warning look but I could see her trying not to laugh too, so I controlled my laughter and smiled at her and flipped of the irritated looks I got from the people behind me.

"Indra radioed." Kane said.

"You gave a Grounder one of our radios?" Pike said with disbelieve and I furrowed. This man got serious issues.

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