8| Broken.

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She was a rose
in the hands of those
who had no intention
in keeping her.



I let myself fall on my knees in front of the gates in Arkadia. I was done. Done with fighting, done with killing just because the was no other option when there was, done losing peope I care about.

A tear slipped down my cheek and I looked up when I heard footsteps approach me. It was Pike.

"You have a lot of courage to come here, Scarlett." He spoke up and I looked down again.

"I'm done fighting. I don't care what you want to do with me. Kill me or torture me for all I care." I said softly. I heard him whistle and seconds later heavy footsteps coming my way. Hands grabbed my arms and I got hoisted up so I could look directly in Pike's eyes.

"We don't kill our own." He said to me before patting me down, checking me for any weapons. I hadn't. I discarded them along with my grounder clothes when I left Polis. When I left Clarke to deal with Lexa. "Lock her up." Pike ordered and tbe guards dragged me away.

They brought me to cell where I got first locked up in when it still was called Camp Jaha. I slid down the wall in the far corner and looked up.

When I saw Lexa her lifeless body laying on that bed I felt like every emotion I had ever hidden came forward. I had excused myself and had left Polis behind me, along with my title and Grounder clothes. I broke.

I sighed, let out a loud groan and closed my eyes. Might as well get a little sleep. I thought and slowly drifted into sleep.


I hard nudge awoke me from my nap and I shot up, warily looking around before my eyes landed on the person I never thought I would see again.

My breath caught in my throat, causing me to cough loudly. He placed a cup of water in front of me but I shoved it away stubbornly.

He sighed, "Drink it." He sat down in front of me.

"I don't want it." I croaked out from the lack of liquid. He shoved it towards me again and I looked at it and I let out a deep sigh. I grabbed the cup and chugged it down.

"Why are you here, Scarlett?" He spoke up after a while, causing me to look up. I placed the cup on the floor and thought about it for a food few minutes.

"Do you really want to know?" I questioned him back, "Because I'm not even sure why I'm here." I admitted.

"I want to know."

My face fell and I nodded, actually hoping he would've stood up and walked away. He didn't, though. But before I could even open my mouth to speak, he did.

"You know, when I heard Pike say that he imprisoned Blue Gona I didn't believe him because I knew you would never be that stupid you'd get caught, so I asked him how and he-"

"-and he told you I give myself up like a weak pathetic human that I am." I finished for him.

He shook his head. "No, Scar. He told me that you were done fighting. That you wanted to be killed."

I scoffed. "I didn't say that. I said that I didn't care if he killed me or tortured me. Had it coming anyway." I muttered.

"Why did you really come back. The Scarlett I know doesn't give up fighting for something or someone." He looked at me with an unreadable expression, perhaps sarrow.

I swallowed, "Because Lexa died." I breathed out. "I'm not a second commander anymore. I can't be a commander, not there." He looked shocked for a second and I gave him a sad smile.

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