13| Switch.

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I was an angel living in the garden of evil.



"I can't believe that they aren't back yet." I grumbled as I watched Raven type away as we were looking through ALIE's code.

"And I can't believe how many people ALIE has now." Raven responded. I raised my brow and stepped forward, placing my hands on the desk as I leaned closer to the screen so I could see thee words flashing across the screen better. 

"Care to explain what's going on there?" I gestured to the screen. I may be a former mechanic but I had no clue what this was. 

Raven nodded and pointed to something. "You see this cluster? That's a building. But all this-" Her finger pointed to an entirely different part of the screen. "-These are minds. It's full of them, thousands. She's taken Polis, too." I watched the random words and letters cover the normal black screen in awe. The fact that a none existing someone was doing this, was mind blowing. Though, mostly sickening. "ALIE's army is growing, the longer we wait to go in, the stronger she gets."

"Go in? Raven, no, our mission-" Monty started but I broke him off, seeing where Raven was going.

"Is to wait for Clarke." I finished for him. "Like always." I added. "But she's still not back with the others and every second, that army is getting bigger. She's my mother, Monty." 

"What if we can do this ourselves? We have Becca's back door password. We have me." Raven added to my argument. I noticed she was getting impatient with this situation and we couldn't always keep waiting for Clarke. Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands.

Monty was silent for a moment. "You said the moment we use the password ALIE will know."

"She will, I think." Raven nodded.

"That means we have one shot at this. Is there a kill code in that book you didn't tell me about?" The last one was shot at me, since I read that whole thing through and told Raven every helpful thing. I shook my head no and bit my lip, Monty was right. It was kinda stupid to go into something blind.

"Then we stick to the plan. Clarke gives the flame to Luna. The A.I. in the Flame gives Luna the kill code. We enter it here, taking our one shot, and Bob's your uncle." He repeated the plan once again.

Both raven and I cringed, "I hate that expression." We both said, causing Monty to slightly grin.

"Good, let's keep mapping. What do you see?" He turned to Harper who entered the control room.

"Perimeter's clear. Bryan and Miller have watch." She informed him, making me smile. Those boys made a cute couple though I was hoping the weren't distracted by each other. "How is it going here?"

I shook my head and sighed. " Not good, huh? Take a break? I could use some help securing the south airlock." I jumped up and joined her side, but Monty looked at raven, hesitating if he should trust her alone in here.

"Go. Take the book if you don't trust me." Raven motioned to the notebook laying beside her right hand on the desk.

"You memorized Becca's password." I told her flatly.

"Then I guess he has to trust me." She raised her brow and I shook my head, a tiny smile plastered on my face. That girl was prepared for almost everything.

"Don't do anything stupid, Ray." I told her and walked out, Harper and Monty following me out. 

"I'm worried about her. She hasn't stopped for two days." Monty sighed.

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