2| Hells Bells.

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Goodbye, that cruel, forsaken word,
how smoothly it forms in the mouth.
How lightly it falls of the tongue.
How violently it dismantles a heart.

-Beau Taplin.


Lexa walking constantly and it made me nervous as a shot missing the bullseye. "Lexa, could just please stand still or sit down? You're making me nervous."

"I am nervous, I don't get why you are not. I mean, your sister is missing." Lexa said, sitting down on her throne.

I smiled, "It's Clarke. She will survive and she will find her way back to us, well, to me. She's pissed at you for pulling that stunt on her at Mount Weather." I pointed out as I stood up.

Lexa sighed and nodded. Behind all those though layers she is pretty chill, I actually enjoy my time spending with her.

"Listen, I have to leave now, I'll be back when you need me. Or when I need you." I said and bowed quickly and left the throne room.

As soon as I arrive back at Arkadia I swing myself off of Gracious and hand her over to one of the people. I had to find Octavia and Lincoln. I stormed over to the lover birds, "Bad news, like really bad news." Was the thing I greeted them with.

They both looked at me with questioning looks and I was about the explain the situation when a guard shouted that there was a fighter approaching.

I ran their way, squinting my eyes when I stood between two masculine guards.

"Where?" The one on the left asked, as he squinted his eyes too. I saw a figure approaching our camp on a horse.

Something isn't right...

"Outside pole twenty!" The guard that had stood beside me moments ago stood now on front of the gate, shouting his answer back at the guard beside me.

Octavia took place beside me with Lincoln, "The kill order. We have to get you inside the wall." She told Lincoln. He handed her a knife and I was about to push him inside when a look of recognition covered his face. I shot a look at the gate and indeed recognized the person on the horse, too.

"Nyko." Lincoln said. I let go of his arm and walked towards the gate, Lincoln carefully following me with Octavia her warning probably swirling in his mind for a second before pushing it to the back of his mind.

"Hold your fire!" Octavia ordered to the guards who held up their guns.

I watched Lincoln hold Nyko on the horse so he wouldn't fall off while Octavia held Nyko's horse.

I walked uo to them, helping Lincoln to hold Nyko on the horse, "We got you." I told Nyko.

Nyko turned his head to me, he was in pain. Lots of pain. "Abby. I need Abby." He said and I nodded.

"We'll take you to her." I told him.

Lincoln looked at his friend with a pissed of expression, "Who did this to you? Nyko, who did this to you?" He asked.

"Azgeda." He croaked out.


I walked in to a wall of muscles, my wall of muscles.

Whoa, that sounds weird and funny.

"Scar!" Bellamy greeted me with suprise laced in his voice. I chuckled and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Hi Hells Bells." I greeted back.

I think I might be drugged. I like it.

He raised his eyebrow but didn't question anything. Maybe because he is used to my weird jokes, sarasm and mood swings or because he doesn't want to know. Now that I looked at his face, I grew serious.

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