5| Revenge.

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May the bridges I burn light the way.



I turned away from the sight. They were covered in blood and Bellamy was with them. How could he? How could he betray the things I stood for, we stood for, most importantly- how could he betray himself like that?

I looked behind me, watching Octavia talk to him. This was all getting too much for me, so I stormed off to our room.

A while later I heard a knock on the door but I didn't stop doing push ups.

Fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-f--

"Scar..." The person I didn't want to see interrupted my counting so I stopped and stood up, still with my back towards him.

"Go away." I hissed, putting on my shirt and jacked I had discarded before my workout.

"No. I'm not going away." He argued and I groaned.

"What do you expect from me? Attack you in cuddles and kisses, telling you that- that I forgive you? Is that what you came for? If so, you can go and fuck yourself Bellamy, because you ain't getting it." I spat, finallt turning around. He had cleaned himself up, no blood to be seen anymore but he looked stressed and tired.

"You have to unders-" he started but I broke him off with an humorless laugh.

"You want me to understand that you helped Pike killing those 300 people that were there to help us?! What is wrong with you! What happend to Bellamy thay stood behind me? Himself? I don't even care about me right now. You may not realize it because you, out of nowhere, start to follow Pike around like a lost puppy but you betrayed yourself the most here. You believed in something we are all working for here and you lost that in less than twenty-four hours?"

He looked down, looking like he was having an inside battle with the real him and whatever the Hell is now, "You don't understand what I'm going through Scarlett. It's my fault that our people died in Mount Weather, I blame me for doing that."

"Because you never talk to me the way that I talk to you! I always ask you how you're doing amd you always reply with the same answer, 'I'm okay'. You are clearly not." I stepped forward and lifted his head high so he could look me in the eyes. "I don't want to talk to you or see you untill you realize what you are doing is wrong and against you. Now leave." I said in a calm voice, the opposite of what I was feeling.

"Don't do this." Bellamy begged. I looked at him with a wounded expression before I wiped it away. He was looking at a stone cold face.

"I said leave." And he did. He left. The second he dissapeared behind the wall, I cracked. Tears streamed down my face and I sobbed and I couldn't stop.

I felt empty. Soulless. Who knew that love could do this to a person? I clearly didn't.


I walked silently next to Octavia and Kane, no emotion showing on my face even though I knew that they knew how I felt. I didn't plan on showing it, not now not ever.

"Is it true you tried to leave camp to see Indra yesterday?" Kane spoke up, asking Octavia.

"Look, don't you have more important things to worry about than me sneaking out of camp?" Octavia commented, a little irritated.

We step behind a doorway which was made of dangling red strips of plastic.

"As it turns out, that's why you're here. Indra signaled. She wants to meet. I'd go myself but Pike's watching everything I do now." Kane explained and I raised an eyebrow.

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