3| The summit.

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Doubt thou that the stars are fire;
Doubt thou that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt that I love.

- William Shakespeare.


"I can't believe you didn't tell me you had someone hunt my sister down! That someone also being Roan!" I yelled at Lexa. After I arrived with Indra in Polis and warned Lexa she told me she had found my sister. Of course I had to ask how and of course she had to do it her way. Hunt her down and not tell me.

"And I'm sorry." Lexa told me, calmly.

"Bring me to her. Now." I ordered her.

Yes, I, a warrior and the second in command, ordered the mighty and oh so frightening Heda. Boo hoo, go cry in a corner.

"I gave her your room for the time being." She said after she had stood in silence for a good minute just staring at me with wide eyes.

"Thank you, Heda." I told her and walked out of the room.

I found my way up to my room where Clarke was currently staying in. I knocked.

"What part of 'I won't see you' was unclear?" Her voice boomed though the door.

I snickerd and opened the door, "You clearly don't like Lexa."

Let me tell you, I've never see a person whip around so fast and attack a person. In a hug.

I laughed and hugged her back. "I'm mad at her too." I admitted. She backed away and smiled. She looked different. Her hair was long, pink in some strands and she wore Grounder clothes. "You look good."

"You too, that blue hair looks good on you." She told me and I smiled.

I dropped the smile soon and sat down on my bed. "Listen, I'll explain everything about the sistuation I'm in. But we have bigger concerns now. Lexa is hosting a summit with Skaikru to tonight at sundown. You can come back to us then, mom surely would be happy to see you."

"Lexa went to all that trouble to capture me just to let me go?" Clarke raised her eyebrow.

"We, even though she didn't tell me her plan, went to all that trouble to save you." I said.

Clarke stayed silent.

"I know you're still mad at Lexa and I understand that but we can't change what happend. What Lexa did was wrong, but an alliance with the Grounders is what we need to stay safe right now." I told her. "You can forgive but not forget, everyone knows that. Just try to forgive her. She'll probably come see you before sundown, I have to go back to the camp but I'll see you tonight, okay?"

Clarke nodded, hugged me once more and I left.


"Bell! What the fuck happend to you? I told you to be careful, damn it!" I yelled. Bellamy just looked at me with an amused look on his face.

"Scar, babe, I'm okay. Calm down, okay?" He said, calming me down a little. I nodded and hugged him.

"I planned on talking to Raven and Wick as soon as I arrived back here but we have to leave for Mount Weather now. Kane told me to get you." I said.

You should tell him.

"And... Clarke is safe. She's in Polis in my room at the moment. Probably figuring out her problems with Lexa." I said. I felt Bellamy sigh in relieve and I smiled.

"Everything will be alright." Bellamy said with a small smile.

"I hope so. Don't cheer to soon. Lets go, before Kane starts whining." I laughed and helped Bellamy up.

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