6| Weakness.

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All the hardest,
coldest people
were once soft as water
and that's the tragedy of living.



I placed my hand over my mouth as I stood at the entrance of the room where they had held the memorial for the fallen at Mount Weather and now had a meeting. "Oh, shit! Sorry to-" I waved around with my arms, "-interrupt whatever the Hell is going here but I have to share something with you guys." I lied. Lying is simple and people easily fall for it. That's why I'm here, to show them and take revenge. Kind of.

Pike started to get up but I gestured for him to sit down again and he did. "I'm here to... apologize for not truly seeing how incredibly stupid I was to take the side of those Grounders." I said and I shot a look at Bellamy who had mixed emotions on his face, but I could see he wasn't falling for my act. I didn't care. The others did, that's what mattered.

Pike smiled, "That's good to hear, Scarlett Griffin. Would you like to join us?" He asked and I nodded, giving him a fake smile. I sat down on the empty chair. The chair that I knew would be mine.

"Now that I'm cozy in this circkle, too, I would like to say that everything I just said-" I turned my head to Bellamy and grinned, "-was a complete and stupid lie where you all fell for, except Bellamy. He knows better, right babe?" He swallowed visibly and his eyes begged me to leave but I just laughed like a maniac.

Pike growled beside me. "What is this for sick game you're playing?"

I smiled and stood up, "Sick? You mean entertaining, Pike, but you wouldn't know the difference, would you? You see, this very button in my hand can kill every single one of you." I looked around and looked at the horrified faces.

"W-What do you mean?" Hannah spoke up.

"When you stand up, shit goes boom." I explained and widened my eyes for the effect.

"I have a son, you- you..." Hannah started but a sob broke her off.

I grinned, "Sick maniacal bitch? Says you? Don't make me laugh. Every single one of you in this room is sicker than me. You all killed those humans who came to protect us. Don't you fucking get it?!" I screamed.

"Scar, don't do this. This isn't you." Bellamy pleaded. I walked towards him and traced a finger across his jawline.

I pouted. "Silly Bellamy, of course it is!" And I winked, that kind of wink that let someone know that all the bullshit I was pulling at this moment was fake. Every normal functioning person would've guessed that and Bellamy guessed it. His face showed it. Of course I knew the were holding this meeting, of course these bombs are fake and of course every one but one would get out of here very much alive.

I left the circkle of chairs to walk behind it and walked behind a person that looked like your stereo typical pervert. "You. Stand up and stand in the middle of the circle." I ordered him and took out my trustworthy knife I hand since the beginning of my time on earth.

"I just want you to know that the bullshit I'm pulling right know is also a big fat lie. Bellamy, a normal functional human being who got brain washed by a not so normal functional human being, knew that all along. You see where I'm going right?" I looked around but no one said a word and I sighed. "I basically pulled this fucking crazy shit to show Bellamy what I'm truly dealing with and to show you guys how actually stupid and sick you are. Boo hoo, stop crying Hannah. I love Monty, he's my friend and I wouldn't hurt him."

In the mean time I had walked inside the circle again and stood in front of the pervert I ordered to stand there. "Look at me." I said and he did. In one swift motion I slit his throat and blood sprayed on my face and clothes.

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