11| Raven on the loose.

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she was trouble
chaos really
but her smile
her smile
dared me to fall in love with her.



I furiously blinked and I tried to rolled around but two things stopped me. Bellamy's hands and the pain that shot through my shoulder. A hiss escaped my lips and a groan followed, "This shit hurts." I chuckled.

"Just don't move your shouder too much and you'll be fine. You've had deep cuts from that panther before and also an arrow through your arm. Probably more but I can't keep up with how many times you've been hurt." Bellamy mused and kissed my forehead. "Lets get up, your sister, Jasper and Raven just arrived."

"They are?" I asked with a slight smile and stood up, right when Jasper called for help.

Bellamy and I joined the group. "Were you being followed?" He asked. I looked at Jasper and sighed. He looked almost sick and she hated it, she wanted the boy back who she met on the first days that they were on earth.

Jasper shrugged carelessly, "Maybe, I don't know." I narrowed my eyes at him and watched them carry an unconscious Raven to the bed where she got layed down. I didn't day a word, knowing that the real Raven wasn't there anymore. At least, not now.

Miller walked forward and touched my good arm with a small smile. I smiled a tight smile back. "Get to the route radio if you spot anyone. Harper will stay here on watch." He said.

I leaned into Bellamy and sighed. "I'm tired, Bells. Tired of this all." His hands snaked around my waist and pressed my back against his chest.

"Me too, Scar, me too." He sighed and I felt his breath tickling my hair.
I smiled slightly and turned my head to peck him on his cheek. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you, too." He said with a small smile on his face. I pushed myself gently out of his grip and went to sit on the ground to watch Raven and the others silently.

At some point I muted out the words and everyone left to room. Not me. I stayed. I stood up and walked to Raven her side. "Come back." I whisper, my hand brushing her hair from her face.

Her eyes snapped open, causing me to jump back a little. She did nothing for a second but she was out of the bed and running before I could react. I scowled myself for my tiredness. "Raven or ALIE on the loose!" I yelled as warning. Shouts were heard from my friends and later from Raven's mouth. She came back in sight, Bellamy and Jasper dragging her to the bed where they restrained her.

The brown haired look at Scarlett, a pleading look on her face. "Scar, please tell them it's me."

I stared at her and a small smirk appeared on my face. "Nice try, ALIE, but as long as you are in control of Raven, I won't tell them to let you go." A scowl appeared on Raven her face but I ignored it.

In the corner of my eye I see Jasper holding up something and somehow I knew what it was. "It's for her to find where we are. ALIE will come for her." He spoke and I sighed, something I seem to do a lot lately. I nodded and backed away from the bed, letting Jasper sedate Raven. "Reaper stick, last dose." He explained and I nodded again, signaling that I understood.

Before I could sit down again, Clarke hurried into the room. "We have to go now!" She said and my head shot up.

"Why? ALIE doesn't know where we are." Bellamy stated in bewilderment. I second that. I had no idea what was going, which is why I probably shouldn't tune out of conversations anymore. Too bad, my brain is busy and likes to wonder off to places.

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