12| Latin genius.

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Accept what is,
let go of what was,
have faith in what will be.



"Becca's journal is amazing. At twenty-six, she found a pathway to access a human mind. That same year she had to lock up ALIE because her answer for what was wrong with the was 'too many people'. She was twenty-seven when it launched the bombs." Raven told us as we sat in the rover. My shoulder was stitched up again thanks to Clarke and Raven was telling us everything the knew about Becca and her accidental killing machine.

I made a humming sound and pulled a face. "I don't know whether to be amazed or horrified." 

"How about both?" Raven snorted and I shrugged.

"What did she write about the flame?" Clarke asked, placing her head on my shoulder. She was tired, I think we all were. It was really damn hard to sleep in these situations, believe me, I've tried. 

"ALIE two point o. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins." I couldn't help but let out a snort, getting a glance from Raven. "She designed it not just to access the human mind but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out because it would be one of us. She would put it in herself first, altered her genes so her body wouldn't reject the implant."

"Bekka Pramheda, the first commander. The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?" I spoke up, knowing to well that the answer was 'yes'. The nod Raven gave me made me dance in victory, inside of my head of course. 

Octavia looked at me weirdly and I grinned, those boring lessons (that didn't involve fighting) that Lexa gave me  finally paid off. "How did you know that?" She asked, causing Bellamy, who sat next to me, to turn his head my way as if he was saying 'me too'.

"Stop looking at me like that." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Lexa told me in one of her many lessons about the Nightblood. Because that's where it came from, if you were wondering. It became hereditary somehow." I shrug, as if it was the most normal thing on this world. It wasn't.

"Luna has it." Clarke spoke up, making me frown. Who the fuck is Luna? "That's why we have to find her. If she can acces ALLIE two." She finished while I was still thinking the same. Seriously, what did I miss?

"She can tell us how to stop ALIE one." Octavia agreed. Great, really. What the hell was I doing?

The Rover stops in front of Arkadia, which looked awfully quiet. Where was everyone? "Where is everyone?" I asked, peeking outside the barred window. My hand automatically went for my knives, which were tugged into their usual spots.

"Not here, from as much as I can see. They could be inside though so when we go out, keep your eyes open and stay close to me." I rolled my eyes at Bellamy as he said that.

"I'm perfectly capable off taking care of myself, babe." I groaned out, holding a knife in front of my face to prove my point.

"Not with a injured shoulder. Just listen to me for once, okay?" He asked, pushing my arm down gently. A sigh escaped my lips and I gave him a defeated nod. I tuned out the conversation and twirled my knife in my hand as I tap my feat to a non-existent beat.

I felt a hand on my thigh and I raised my head to face the person who the hand belonged to. It was Bellamy, of course. 

"Are you coming?" He asked and I hummed, jumping out of the Rover with him on my heels. The air felt weird but so was the sight in front of me. The abandoned wreck of what was once The Ark laid in front of our eyes, no sound the be heard from the inside nor the inside. It didn't feel right and that freaked me out a little.

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