7| Jones.

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If the monster always dies
at the end of the book,
why am I still alive?



My hand clutched the knife nervously. I had no idea of this plan would work or not, it was a fifty-fifty chance I had to take.

I slowly rounded the corner of the hallway where I knew he would be. I could feel my heart beating like crazy but I ignored it. I had to go through with this. For my dad, for Clarke, for mom and for me.

I saw the looks that mom shot at him everytime he walked past her, or the change in Clarke her moods whenever he would welcome her back when she helped her mom at medics.

And yes, my reaction to this all might me too much, I mean I could've blaimed Jaha for it or Kane, even mom but no. None of them pushed that button, he did. So he will pay. That's just how my brain worked.

I checked my surroundings before I walked further down the hallway, down to the place he was stationed today. Being a mechanic and knowing how to hack into the system I had down so many times before had made this so much easier.

I stopped next to the door and inhaled before knocking. I heard footsteps coming closer and the door opening. He stepped out, looked to the opposite direction from where I stood and then to the right. His eyes landed on me, widened for a fraction of a second and then travelled down to my hand that was gripping the knife so tight that my knuckles had turned white.

"Hello, Jones." I spoke up, my voice wavering a bit a the end as I said is surname.

He looked up and swallowed. "Scarlett Griffin, right?" He guessed and I nodded. "What are you doing here?"

I decided to put on my strong act. I knew I won't make me feel any better- even worse- but I couldn't care less. There was no going back.

"I think you know." I swallowed and he inhaled a big gulp of air, realization setting in. "You killed my father."

"Those were orders, you know that. Your father was a good man, Scarlett. If he was still alive he wouldn't of want this for you."

I scoffed, "I he was still alive I wouldn't have stand here with a knife. Those orders mean nothing, he was executed for the most stupid reason. He discovered a flaw and he wanted to tell our people that. You know, do a good thing for mankind? But the council decided against that, thinking it was better to keep it silent even though it would end up getting public anyway. My dad is dead for nothing." My eyes were glossed over but I kept myself at bay.

"Scarlett, listen to me- don't do this." He begged. He pleaded for his life in front of me and I didn't care.

"I'm sorry, Jones, but I made up my mind." I said and with a quick movement the knife was embedded in his heart, blood soaking my hands and his clothes.

I let out a strangled sob and pulled the knife out, Jones his body falling on the floor with a 'thud'.

I woke up with a loud gasp but I couldn't get my breathing in controle before there was a knock in the door.

"C-Come in." I said, trying to calm myself down.

My door opened and Titus walked in. He looked at my sweat covered body and raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay, Blu?" He asked.

I waved my hand in a dismissing manner, "I'm fine, Titus. Is there something wrong?"

"Lexa wants you by her side when we honor the past Commanders." He addressed me.

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