15| Not your fault.

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Then we fight. Together.



Whilst Clarke's tears were freely streaming down her face as she took out the chip from mom's neck, I was holding them in. My leg was nervously going up and down, knowing that this could go very wrong. I couldn't help but think negative with everything that happened in the past few hours.

"Mom... Can you hear me?" Clarke spoke as she finished getting the chip out and cleaning the wound. She held mom close to her and looked at he face. Her eyes were close but her breathing was steady, that gave me at least the impression that she would be fine. "I know you're in there. Come back to us. We need you." My sister begged but still no response. 

Not only was my leg now going up and down in a rapid speed, I was also chewing the inside of my cheek. I tasted a little blood but I could barely feel the stings. 

It felt like hours till her eyes finally fluttered open. "Mom," I breathed out and lunged forward. I finally allowed a few tears to escape. I felt her sob in my shoulders as she wrapped her arms around me and Clarke, who had joined the hug, too.

"I'm sorry." My mom sobbed. I shook my head as Clarke replied to her that it was okay. "I'm so sorry." She choked out again and I retreaded from the hug so I could look her in the eyes.

Clarke laughed a little in relief and repeated that it was okay. "It's okay, mom. It wasn't you, it wasn't your fault." I told her, wiping away her tears as well as mine. "Mom, listen we need your help and it's kinda urgent. Saving the would kinda urgent." I said after calming myself and her.

As I said that, the door opened and Bellamy walked in with Murphy and Pike. As soon as Bellamy saw my mom awake, he pointed his gun to her. I stepped in front of her, "She's okay, Clarke used the EMP. Bell, she's back." I assured him and allowed a small smile to appear on my lips.

He lowered his gun in relief and stepped forward to hug me. I gladly accepted.

"Well, what about Ontari? They said we had one shot with that thing." Murphy spoke up, his brows furrowed in a little confusion. 

Clarke stood up, "I told you, Ontari is no longer an option for the Flame. She's braindead." She turned to Bellamy, "Is the floor secure?" She asked him. 

I turned around in his arms, so that I was standing with my back against his chest. He shifted a little so he could slung his arm over my shoulder and press me a little closer to him. "For now. Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom." He answered her.

"We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed. the stairs are collapsed. No-one's following us." Pike reported even though no one ask him to. I didn't comment anything as I normally do, as this information was useful.

Clarke nodded, "Good. Then we have time."

"Don't expect too much time, they'll find a way up no matter what." I warned her. She nodded knowingly.

"What we don't have is a way down." Murphy pointed out. I shrugged and told him we could worry about that later, when it did matter. We first had to find a way of stopping ALIE.

Bellamy had ignored Murphy though and instead untangled himself from me. "Time for what?" He had directed the question to Clarke. Now that mentioned it, I had no idea what the plan was. It seemed that nobody did except Clarke, which gave me the impression that it wasn't one of the best plans.

"An Ascension Ceremony." She simply said without any further explanation.

"Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option. Beside, she's still chipped and we no longer have an EMP." Murphy was right.

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