Did Someone Say Cake? (Pietro x Reader)

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(Pietro x Reader)

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(Pietro x Reader)

The base was heavily protected. Considerably more than the intel had suggested and you were worried. Scans showed hundreds of life signs and sentry robots patrolled the sky above.

Steve detonated the C-4 Pietro had planted and the explosion made the earth tremble beneath you.

The explosion drew the robots while the rest of the team headed inside the building. Leaving you, Tony and Pietro to draw the Hydra soldiers out and keep their exit clear. You drew your weapon, holding in a breath as the soldiers headed straight for you.

"Oh come on y/n, it's your birthday you have to make a cake!"

Distracted by Tony's whinging you fail to notice the soldiers' fist, it striking you hard in the face. Stumbling back, you scowl as he pulls out a knife. You easily block his next attack, kicking him in the balls and smashing your baton into his back, forcing him to the ground.

"I think you missed the point there, you should be making me one."

A quick hit to the head and you move on to the next soldier. Tony, however, was intent on annoying you.

"But yours are amazing."

"I'm starting to think that's all you keep me around for Tony."

"I thought you knew?" He teased and you pictured his smirking face as he obliterated another gun tower.

The gun tower you just happened to be fighting beside. The force of the blast knocked you off your feet, sending a Hydra soldier back onto the floor with you.

"A little warning would be nice!" You hissed, elbowing the soldier in the throat before he had chance to reach for his weapon. Leaving him gasping and clutching at his throat.

"Sorry! You've got company y/n."

Another group of soldiers jumped out of a truck to your right, their machine guns firing. One of the bullets grazes your shoulder, leaving behind a nasty gash. Shit. Desperate for cover you duck behind a burnt out car.

The soldiers were so busy advancing towards you they didn't notice the little silver ball bounce and roll towards them. You averted your eyes while the flash grenade went off, counting down from 10 before peaking over the top of the car. Stumbling around and clutching their eyes, they were a perfect target. You broke into a run, wanting to take the men down before they recovered.

A blue blur hurtled past and in a matter of seconds the soldiers lay in a mangled heap on the floor. Pietro slid in beside you unsteadily with a smug smile. His eager blue eyes looking up at you.

"Did someone say cake?"

You rolled your eyes at him, desperately trying to hold in the smile threatening to spread all over your face. It was so hard to stay professional with Pietro around, he managed to get you all flustered without even trying. Not that you would admit it. You were enjoying his attempts at flirting way too much.

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