Call it Heaven - 2: do i make you uncomfortable? (Pietro x oc)

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Sunlight leaked through the curtains casting a glow over the girl sprawled over his chest, her soft hair tickling his skin slightly and her legs tangled up in his

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Sunlight leaked through the curtains casting a glow over the girl sprawled over his chest, her soft hair tickling his skin slightly and her legs tangled up in his. Her skin was so pale and soft and he remembered how she felt so good pressed against him last night, the kiss like nothing he'd felt before.

Pietro wanted to touch her so badly, kiss her and pleasure her. But he still didn't know anything about her. What if she was dangerous? She was so vulnerable last night, it would feel like he was taking advantage. All he wanted at that moment was to stay with her and listen to her melodic voice that was pure heaven, it lulled the nightmare from his mind like a...


The boom of Tony's blasters filled the quiet room, blowing the door off its hinges and sending smoke and bits of plaster flying everywhere. Wanda strode in glaring at him with her arms crossed, his team mates all in battle gear staring down at him.

Pietro sits up and covers the girl with the sheet, holding his hand up against the light. The girl doesn't wake just turns over with a sigh when the avengers all start yelling at once.

"What the hell Maximoff?!"

"Why is she in your fucking bed?!"

"We thought you were in trouble!"

"If I was I'd be dead by now!" Pietro yelled back at them and they all groaned, putting their weapons away.

Tony stepped across to the girl, leaning over her, "Seriously though, how is she sleeping through this?"

Pietro smiles down at the girl, her lips slightly parted and so peaceful, he shrugs at the team.

"Maybe he tired her out." Clint chuckled his eyes drawn to the girl and Pietro found himself getting angry...or was it jealousy he was feeling?

"Can't you keep it in your pants for one night?" Steve's annoyed huff made his anger flare up again. Of course they would think that.

"Nothing happened, idiots." Wanda clipped Clint around the ear and Pietro scowled at her.

"Stop reading my mind!"

"Then stop thinking so loud!" She spat back, the hint of smile on her lips.

"Bring her to the lab when she wakes up."

"Orice ai spune, Stark."

"That better be a yes." Tony muttered.

Be careful, brother, I know how fast you can fall in love, but don't get attached.

Pietro rolled his eyes at his sister, ignoring the disapproving looks from the old men as they leave. Tony tried to prop the door up, giving up when what was left of the door frame collapsed, "I'll fix that later."

Uncovering the girl again Pietro groans to himself, not get attached? That would be easier said than done. Feeling that familiar heat in his groin he leaves the bed and heads to the bathroom, needing to cool off.

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