Trick of the Light - 1: pieces of my heart (Pietro x Reader)

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An: This was a separate book, but only ended up being five parts so moved the story here :) Hope you like it! x

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An: This was a separate book, but only ended up being five parts so moved the story here :) Hope you like it! x


You have enhanced strength and can read minds, powers you can't always control. Your boyfriend Pietro can usually keep you out of his head, but a momentary slip reveals a terrible secret you can't recover from.


"Put me down!" You giggle, squirming as Pietro came to a stop, secretly loving the times he transported you like this. The feeling of the breeze cooling your skin, the world moving so quickly and the feel of his chest under you, his arms holding you tightly. It felt like you two were the only people in the world. Even if it did leave you a little dizzy.

"Shit!" You tripped as he put you down, pulling him with you. He fell forwards with a thud, banging his head on the floor. He was a little dazed but smirking, rolling over onto his back next to you while you stood up.

"Fată stângac..."

"Sorry," smiling, you reached down to help him up.

Something wasn't right. Images began to enter your mind, you were usually unable to read Pietro's thoughts, but as he grabbed your hand a wave of information overwhelmed you. The images were all mixed up. Some you expected, memories of you both together, but there were darker moments, ones he had purposely hidden. Leaving you in the night, a dark room, Pietro's voice relaying every detail of your personal life, someone handing him a file with your name on it, dropping him off where you first met, telling him to be careful, to play along...

Is she dangerous?...If you can't get her under control, we'll have to bring her in...remember your're an avenger, you have a job to do...

You pushed him away, anger and disgust raging in your eyes. He had betrayed you.

" was all a lie?"

His expression said it all. He knew he'd been found out.


"Let me explain." He took your face in his hands, desperation in his voice.

"I swear to god, if you don't leave I'll kill you myself!" you twisted out of his grasp, he was desperately trying to convince you to stay. Even after all he had done a part of you wanted to, letting him take your hand in his, But your love seemed fake like everything else. Yanking your hand away you stepped towards the door, your hands grabbing for the handle. It broke off in your hands.

"Please, I'm so sorry" he said softly, "draga, te iubesc," you saw red at those words, turning to face him.

"No, don't you fucking lie to me again!" He lowered his gaze, the guilt written all over his face, "I was just your mission, a dangerous pet project for you and those avengers to control!"

Pietro shook his head and tried to pull you to him, to reason with you,"It started out that way but not now-"

You slapped him, sending him flying across the room unable to control your strength. Pietro groaned as he tried to stand, holding his head, his blue eyes shocked. You gasped in disbelief at what you had done, a deep cut on his lip starting to bleed. Part of you felt so guilty, but another part wanted to hurt him as much as he had hurt you.

"Get out!" you screamed, scared you would hurt him again. He sighed defeated and slowly stepped out into the corridor giving you one last look of sadness, tears brimming in his eyes.

"Its over, she knows."

You slammed the door shut as hard as you could, cracks appearing on the wall. Collapsing onto the bed you tried to control your anger as your whole body shook, tears streaming down your face. He had ripped your heart out, how could he?! All those lies. Those months that had been the happiest of your life. You were finally starting to control your powers with his help. You thought he was the one. How could you not know? Thinking back it should have been obvious. All those happy memories tainted, the man you loved had never really been there it was all a lie. Finally, when your devastated mind and tired body couldn't take anymore, you drifted off into a restless sleep, plagued by dreams of Pietro.

Loud banging woke you. Someone was pounding on your door relentlessly, you backed yourself up against the wall as it was flung open revealing three avengers ready to pounce.

You thought about fighting, maybe making a run for it, but then you saw him and all the fire left you. Pietro sheepishly stepped out from behind Hawkeye. He looked terrible, bloodshot eyes and the cut from the night before sore with a large purple bruise. He wouldn't look at you, instead he lowered the arrow that was ready to fire at your slightest movement. Much to Hawkeye's annoyance.

"You don't need to do that, she will not fight."

You glared at Pietro, not moving as Captain America stepped closer to you, his hands raised in a peaceful gesture.

"It's time to come with us, miss." You didn't struggle as he took your arm, pulling you towards the doorway.

Before the captain led you out Pietro handed you an envelope, "Please, just read."

You turned the envelope over in your hands for a moment, considering whether to open it. Finding his expectant eyes you rip the letter up slowly, letting the pieces fall to the floor. Just like the pieces of my heart.

"The man I loved never existed. It was always just a trick of the light."

With a broken expression Pietro turned and ran down the corridor, the blue of his power trailing behind him until he disappeared from sight.

"Let's go."

You noticed a part of the letter from the torn pieces on the floor. Reading the words your heart ached a little more.

"I'll be waiting for you, waiting through the seasons, I'll wait for you...te iubesc."

Translations: fată stângace/ clumsy girl

draga, te iubesc/ sweetheart, I love you  

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