Howlin' For You - 4: Captain Quicksilver (Avengers x Reader) (Halloween Special)

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Part Four: Captain Quicksilver

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Part Four: Captain Quicksilver

"Tony Stark I'm going to kill you!" You grabbed a broom and chased him around the dance floor, he giggled like a little boy as you ran after him never quite managing to whack him with the broom.

"It was a joke y/n!" He pleaded.

You finally caught him, hitting him with the broom then tickling him once he was on the floor, you couldn't help laughing. Who knew Tony Stark was so ticklish?

"I surrender!"

You let him up, offering him your hand.

"Please tell me there are no more pranks Tony?"

"No idea." He shrugged and walked back into the crowd.

You started to follow him but were whisked away into a side room and practically thrown down onto the floor. You had to cling to the wall to steady yourself, feeling the effects of those cocktails.

"Hello Miss Quicksilver."

"Captain." You winked and mock saluted him then hid your eyes, bracing yourself for whatever he had planned for you.

"Get it over with Pietro, what's your prank?"

Pietro chuckled, pulling your hands away from your face and keeping hold of them at your sides. His thumbs stroked the back of your hands and you looked up to see the same look in his eyes from the night before.

"I think you've suffered enough printesa."

"They always pick on me." You pretended to be upset, sticking your bottom lip out.

"They like you, you are very funny y/n..." Pietro trailed off and let go of your hands, fiddling with the mask again, grumbling to himself. You sigh and reach up, pulling it over his head.

"Is that better?" You giggle at his messy hair and lean up onto your tiptoes, running your hands through the tangled mess trying to tidy it up.

"You want to be Mrs Quicksilver? keep that up." He said in a husky voice and grinned, you froze realizing how close you were and backed away blushing.

"Every time, y/n, why do you always pull away?"

His face fell, voice full of frustration and anger. He held your arms gently, desperate for an answer. You couldn't look him in the eyes, you wanted to tell him exactly how you felt. How much you adored him, how your nerves and doubts always got in the way.

"Is it Bucky? I never see you running away from him." He growled. Was he jealous? If he didn't look so hurt and angry you would have laughed.

"Because I don't have feelings for Bucky." You whispered, amazed you managed to get the words out at all.

Pietro took a moment to register what you were saying and you watched his reaction carefully. You had more or less admitted you liked him and it scared you to death. He seemed more nervous than you now and a little bit smug. In an instant, he grabbed you hugging you tightly and spinning you around. Once you'd stopped giggling, you noticed Mjolnir had been left unguarded on one of the tables.

"Hey Pietro," you whispered, "Shall we have a go?" he raised his eyebrows in confusion for a moment before he followed your line of sight.

"No y/n."

"Come on we don't have long before Thor gets back!"

You giggled and winked at Pietro, placing your hands either side of the handle. You pulled, and pulled and pulled. Nothing. Pietro laughed again watching you struggle.

"You lady y/n are not worthy!" Pietro exclaimed doing his best impersonation of Thor, his arms at his sides and chest puffed up.

You attempted to glare at him between giggles.

"Your turn smart arse."

Pietro shook his head, "If it doesn't like you what chance do I have?" he moved behind you and you held in a breath as he put his arms around your waist. Resting his head on your shoulder he whispered in your ear, "I've done some very bad things y/n."

You shivered, feeling his lips brush your ear. You twisted your head to face him, lifting your chin up slightly. You closed the distance between you lightly grazing his lips with your own, surprising him when you kissed him slowly and deeply, savoring the taste of him. He moaned softly returning the kiss. You moved around him pressing your body against his and wrapping your hands around his neck. You'd wanted this for so long you had to make the most of it.

"I didn't expect that."

You took his hands and pulled him in front of you, shoving him forwards until he was standing in front of Mjolnir.

"It won't hurt to try."

Shrugging he reluctantly grabbed the handle. Taking a deep breath he pulled as hard as he could. Not entirely prepared for what happened next. You jumped as he was flung backwards into the wall. He slid down to the floor, eyes wide, looking from you to the hammer in disbelief. You were too shocked to speak, your mouth hanging open.

"I did not foresee this."

Thor's voice boomed from the doorway startling you both. Pietro grinned and started throwing the hammer around. Your heart dropped as it dawned on you. This was all his prank.

"You really thought I was worthy?"

"A fake Mjolnir, nice one Pietro. Are you in on this too Thor?" fuming you looked over at Thor disappointed. He only returned your look with a confused smile.

"That is no fake lady y/n."

Pietro was stunned for a moment, his eyes went wide and he nearly fainted, letting out a girly squeak and dropping the hammer, watching as it bounced across the floor. Thor smirked at him.

"It appears you are worthy Pietro Maximoff."

Standing up, Pietro picked up Mjolnir again posing and gesturing.

"I suppose I am..."

He accidentally sent a lightning bolt across the room setting fire to the curtains, just missing Thor as he tried to approach him. Using his power to put out the fire, Pietro looked back to you both sheepishly. Thor was becoming increasingly impatient.

"May I? The hammer?" Thor asked holding his hand out for the hammer. Pietro thought about it for a moment, that mischievous look in his eyes. Uh oh.

"Have to catch me mighty man!" He shouted and ran past Thor in a blur, heading back to the party. Presumably to brag. Thor shook his head and groaned.

"Imbecile!" Thor yelled, raising his hands and storming off in Pietro's general direction.

Walking after them you watched as Pietro tormented Thor, taking the time to show off Mjolnir to the shocked avengers and zooming away again. He almost got caught when he stopped to give Wanda a hug.

Pietro zoomed back to give you a sloppy kiss on the lips, "You make me worthy, dragoste."

You pressed your fingers to your lips, giggling as the other Avengers joined the chase.

It was a very Avengers Halloween.

An: wooooh 6k! Thank you for reading! ♡♡♡

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