Adore You (Bucky x Plus Size!Reader)

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You're always there for his darkest days, always offering your support without asking anything in return

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You're always there for his darkest days, always offering your support without asking anything in return. Until one day you don't seem so bright. You disappear for a few days and when you come to him in the middle of the night, broken, he knows he has to tell you how he feels.


Bucky wasn't sure when it happened. When the mere sight of you made his heart thump in his chest. He couldn't pinpoint the moment he fell in love with you, it crept up on him. The way your face would light up whenever he came into a room, that his face would be the first you sought out. Flashing him that toothy grin he never saw you give to anyone else. You had made him feel special, almost normal when he needed it most.

You were completely oblivious to how beautiful you were. Always rejecting compliments, comparing yourself to others. Other people were always more beautiful, more intelligent, thinner...he couldn't understand it, how you didn't see yourself the way he did.

Lately,  you'd been changing. You started to pull away from him. He'd tried to ask you about it, never able to find the right words. You always dismissed him, assuring him you were okay. He couldn't be without you, so he let it slide.

You'd always been a little self-conscious about your weight, but all he saw were curves...those he would run his hands over when you lay next to him. His fingers sweeping over the soft skin, your warmth reminding him you were real.

He knew he didn't deserve you. You didn't care what he'd done, all the demons inside him that would frighten most people. You only saw him, the man he was now, who he wanted to be...and he let it slide, let you slip away from him.

That night had been normal, at least for Bucky. In hindsight, he should have seen the signs. All day you'd been quiet, not eating and avoiding everyone. How could he not see through your fake smile as you left the room, the fake promise to see them later. Something had happened to you and Bucky hadn't noticed.

The super soldier with enhanced senses, that remembered every inch of you, every expression, every smile. He still didn't realise how much pain you were in and he hated himself for it. For days Bucky searched for you, becoming more anxious as time passed, his mind going through so many scenarios.

He'd exhausted every memory, wracking his brain for any hint of the place you might have run to, coming up empty each time. He refused to believe you were gone. You wouldn't leave him. Bucky was your family, your friend. You don't leave the people you care about behind, not when you have a choice.

The silence of his dark room is replaced by the familiar sound of your bare feet, padding over the floorboards. For a moment he thinks he's imagining it, then you sidestep that loose board and his door inches open.

Your shaky breaths gave away how much you'd been crying. The sound broke his heart, he didn't know what to say, he wanted to hold you, kiss you, tell you how much he loved you.

"Y/n?" Bucky calls out softly, sitting up in bed and folding down the covers beside him, a silent invitation to join him with no judgement. Just as you had done for him all those nights, through all those nightmares.

Those nights he stumbled to your room reeling from another nightmare, from the face of another person he'd killed he couldn't shake. His gut telling him to go to you, that you would make it okay, and you never once refused him. Even with your own sadness, you always allowed for his. It was one of the things he loved most about you, your endless kindness.

Bucky can make out your tears as you take slow steps to the bed. You climb in beside him, turning over to face away from him.

The relief at having you back, having you safe it's more than he can take. He has to hold you, make sure you're real. Unable to stop himself, Bucky snakes an arm around your waist holding you to him. He threads his fingers through your hair while you cry against his chest, waiting for you to tell him what's wrong, where you've been.

"I can't...I can't leave you...."


"I hate myself Bucky, there's nothing anymore, I feel disgusting all the time and then I feel so stupid, wallowing in this feeling but it won't's always in my mind, anytime someone looks at me, I can't stand to think what they see, when we get missions, do they pass me over because I'm too fat? I'll never be good enough...god, you deserve so much better than me... "

You try to pull away from him but Bucky had heard enough. No way in hell was he going to let you torture yourself like this.

"Doll...hey, look at me." He holds your face in both his hands, not letting you look away. He was desperate to convey how much he meant his next words, he'd wanted to say them for so long.

"I love every inch of you, and then some. I adore you."

Bucky places a soft kiss to your lips sealing his words. It didn't matter if you returned them, he just holds you tighter, determined to make you realise how much you mean to him, how beautiful you are.

For as long as you'd have him, your happiness would be his mission.

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