Trick of the Light - 2: heaven help me (Pietro x Reader)

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You were led down a sterile white hallway to an equally sterile reinforced room with nothing but a bed and a small skylight

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You were led down a sterile white hallway to an equally sterile reinforced room with nothing but a bed and a small skylight. This is for me?! They do think I'm a monster. Your superhero guards pushed you inside and retreated behind the glass. Watching the doors close, panic gripped you. I can never go back. These people saw you as a prisoner, a threat. Your life with Pietro seemed like a distant dream. Here comes the nightmare.

One by one the Avengers left, only Captain America stayed behind. You could see the pity in his eyes and it made your blood boil.

"I should never have let this go on so long. We wanted to protect you, to help you."

You slammed both hands down onto the glass, it cracked a little and the whole room shook. The avenger stepped back.

"No, Captain," you spat, "if you wanted to help me you'd have told me the truth from the start." He tried to reply but you turned your back on him. You couldn't let him see you break down.

"Get some rest." His voice was kind, almost sympathetic. Yet his thoughts said otherwise. He was scared of you and what you were capable of, worrying for his team. Eventually his thoughts grew quiet, his footsteps fading away down the corridor leaving you in silence.

Shattered, you dropped onto the bed and began tearing down each wall your mind had fought so long to keep control of. You didn't care, you had to block out the pain. So you let them in, filling your mind with the thoughts of strangers. For a while it worked, but your thoughts always came back to Pietro, he was a parasite consuming your brain, crawling all the way to your heart.

You screamed in frustration and punched the wall. Shit, that hurt. You rubbed your bruised hand, alarmed at the huge dent left behind.

There's someone out there. You could hear breathing. It took a moment to recognize the soft rise and fall you had listened to all those nights. It could only be him, but you didn't turn around. He had put you here, lied to you. If you had to look into those blue eyes you would lose it.

"Please, tell me what you want me to say?"

The door opened and he stepped inside. His nervous breathing worried you. He wasn't supposed to be in here. Counting his steps your hands gripped the mattress. Please leave, I don't want to hurt you, I really want to hurt you...

"Cer să mă ajute, I need to make it right."

"I hate you." you almost growled, voice filled with hatred.

Pietro placed a hand on your shoulder and softly kissed the top of your head, his warm breath on your hair, "don't let this destroy you Iubirea mea."

For a moment you felt a flicker of love, quickly consumed by a rage so strong it even blocked out the voices. An insane laugh wracked your body and you spun around to face him.

"You destroyed me! You destroyed us!"

Seeing the flash of fearin his eyes you lost it. In a moment you had Pietro pinned to the floor, hands wrapped around his throat. He grabbed at your hands, shocked, but didn't fight back. You needed him to hurt you, to fight back, but he just lay there, no light in his bright blue eyes. Hearing him gasp for air, you couldn't bring yourself to go further, loosening your grip on him.

"Fucks sake! Why won't you fight back?! Please, just kill me!"

"Never. Te iubesc." he whispered as Romanoff and Captain America pulled you off him. You struggled and screamed, thrashing around as the two avengers fought to keep hold of you.

Pietro scrambled backwards, propping himself against the glass. Angry red marks covered his neck, he started rubbing them, trying to control his breathing. I did that to him.

"You can try to fight me, but however long it takes, I will prove to you what we have is real."

"Stay away from me!" sounding more like a desperate shriek, you must have looked insane but you didn't care you wanted him to see what you had become, what he had turned you into.

"You can't choose what stays and what fades away, Pietro. We'll never get back what we had. I'll never love you like I did, this will always haunt us." You willed him to hate you. It was so much easier that way. For no matter what he had done it would never erase the love in your heart that still burned for him, the lying bastard.

"I will never forgive you. If you come near me again, I will kill you."

The words rolled off your tongue like acid, burning the hurt into his heart. Still, he stayed, infuriating you even more. If I show you what I've become, will you finally leave me? He saw the dangerous look in your eyes and tried to stand.

"No!...remember everything we did to control it!"

Ignoring him, you let the rage take over. You threw Romanoff hard against the glass and used your free arm to turn and punch Captain America in the stomach. He skidded across the floor banging his head on the bed, leaving him dazed. A man charged in moving to hit you with his metal arm but you grabbed it and started to crush the whirring metal, bending it backwards. He let out a groan and you threw him aside, forcing yourself to stop before you did any more damage. Your whole body was shaking, your head was ringing with voices and your vision clouded over. Stumbling for the empty doorway a sharp pain in your arm made you freeze. Oh no. Grabbing the dart you threw it away, noticing Hawkeye's angry glare. The drugs kicked in right away and your legs gave way beneath you, what's in that stuff?!

"Night night, crazy bitch."

Falling onto your hands you try to sit up, feeling a searing pain as the Avengers' conversations rushed into your mind. All their jumbled emotions and thoughts hit you at once.You had made a terrible mistake. You attempted to regain control but the drugs made it impossible to stop them, your mind was on fire. It forced you to listen while your body grew still.

What the hell were you thinking?! You broke the girls' heart, what did you think would happen?! Fuck you, I wanted to help, I did this to her, and for what?! So you could make her a prisoner? Leave her to go insane?! I warned you to call it off, I knew it would end badly. She's pretty messed up. She's fucking crazy! Do we need to put her down? You want to kill her?! You won't fucking touch her old man! Calm down. Banner won't allow it. Does he even know she's here? She's not going to cooperate now. I know you love her man, but you've pushed her so far over the edge, she's lost it. Banner may be the only one who can help her now, you saw her eyes...

You could just make out a voice in the distance buried beneath the chaos, words repeating over and over like a lullaby. Grasping onto them they soothed you until there was only his voice, softly whispering, lulling you into unconsciousness.

You are the silence in between, What I thought and what I said
You are the night time fear, You are the morning when it's clear
When it's over you're the start, You're my head, you're my heart

And I'd do anything to make you stay, Iubirea mea.

Translations: Iubirea mea / my love

cer să mă ajute / heaven help me

Te iubesc / I love you

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