Nowhere To Run (Bucky x Reader/Walking Dead Au) - Part 2

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You and your makeshift family are getting by just fine in your isolated farmhouse, it's deep in the countryside and well protected from the infected

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You and your makeshift family are getting by just fine in your isolated farmhouse, it's deep in the countryside and well protected from the infected... until you're betrayed and Negan decides you need to contribute.


Negan watches you and his lips curl into a snarl, urging you to make a mistake. Blood is starting to seep through his shirt, though not enough to kill him, the knife wound is bleeding badly. The pressure of his hand against it making little difference.

You lurch for the dresser and he clutches at your ankle, yanking you back and you slam into the floor, knocking the breath out of you. Sharp pain blooms in your chest. You don't hesitate to kick back with your other leg and your heel smacks into his nose with a nasty crack.

"Fuck!" He groans, his only unoccupied hand now holding his bleeding nose.

Dragging yourself forwards before he can grab you again, you take Lucille from against the wall.

"You're going to leave here Negan, and never come back." You warn holding up the bat and he sits back on his heels then, raising his hands in surrender.

"Wow, and he said the redhead would be trouble!" He roared with laughter and smacked his hands together. You do your best not to flinch. Your lips forming a thin line as you watch him.

"I said leave."

"Now, I can't do that sweetheart, not 'till my men get what they were promised." He wipes the blood from his nose on his sleeve not taking you seriously.

"You'll get nothing from us."

He tilts his head, an almost playful smile on his lips, "See, that's where you're wrong. You're gonna give me everything."

"Once Bucky and his men realise they've been tricked, they'll come back and kick your ass." You spat and he laughed again, wiping his face with his hand before looking back up at you, false concern lacing his voice.

"Who? Ohhh, big guy? Metal arm? Yeah, he was a prick. Emphasis on the was there darlin'."

"You're lying." Your grip on the bat faltered. No, it wasn't true. He was trying to provoke you, get you to make a mistake. Bucky was alive. He had to be.

"Ohh, was he yours?" Negan takes a step closer to you pleased to have hit a nerve, "if it helps he put up a fight. It took Lucille three tries to bring him down, him and his friends."

You swallowed, determined not to let Negan play with you. His eyes keep drifting to the bat every few seconds, he was going to make a grab for it. You had to do something. If he got hold of it again you would be dead. He was too strong.

Your heart beat wildly in your chest, you only had this one chance, you had to take it, you had to protect Mary. Your family. You swung at him before throwing the bat and darted into to the hall, picking up your gun. You sit back against the wall, not daring to look at the infected shuffling towards you, instead pointing the gun up at Negan.

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