Howlin' For You- 3:A prank(or 20)a day...(Avengers x Reader)(Halloween Special)

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Part Three: A prank (or 20) a day

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Part Three: A prank (or 20) a day...

Sunlight beamed through the ceiling height windows, waking you up. You whined and turned over, the quilt wrapping itself around you. Maybe you should have taken Pietro up on his offer, you felt like death. Your back ached and your neck felt like it had been trapped in a vice all night. At least you were closer to coffee here and it was Saturday, which meant no training.

"Morning y/n." Bruce wandered in, he was usually the first one up, "coffee?" he smiled, thankfully not commenting on the state you were in.

"Please." You answered quietly and yawned. You liked Bruce he was the last person to judge you, yet you still felt self conscious. It didn't help he kept staring at you.

"Do I have a bogey or something?"

He spluttered into his coffee, "You have a little something..." he gestured all around your face, "you didn't know? You might want to look in a mirror."

You picked up a pan gasping at your reflection. Some git had written all over your face in felt tip pen. Colourful skulls, pumpkins, stars, rainbows and sheep decorated your cheeks while 'I love Pietro Maximoff' was scrawled across your forehead. How did you not wake up while this was happening?!

A slight breeze and clanging alerted you to Pietro groggily searching the fridge. You yelped and ran out of the kitchen in a panic.

"Was that y/n?"


You scowled at your reflection as you scrubbed your face. It had to have been Bucky, he was the only person you had told about your crush. He was really going all out with these pranks. If he dared show his face you weren't sure if you could control yourself.

Finally doodle free you ventured back out into the common room and right into a custard pie that was dangling from the door frame. Fucks sake. Grumbling you wiped your face with a towel. You grabbed your laptop and unknowingly sat on a whoopie cushion. The loud farting noise echoed around the empty room. At the same time Thor walked in. He just looked at you and walked straight back out again. Great.

This carried on until dinner time when finally you'd had enough. Wherever you went something jumped out at you or was thrown at you. Eggs, flour, feathers, fake bugs, even rice bloody crispies of all things. You retreated to your room, worn down and angry.

You used the time to dye your hair silver and finish off your Quicksilver dress. You were so proud of the dress, grey and blue with silver stripes and long sleeves with the gloves sewn in. They had been the hardest part to do. A pair of silver heels, red lipstick and you were done.

Heading out early you explored the tower. Only lit by candlelight the whole place was decorated like a Victorian haunted house. It was amazing. Pumpkins floated everywhere and broomsticks danced in the corners. Giant chandeliers and stormy skies thundered above you in the corridors. Trapdoors opened up out of nowhere with ghosts and monsters jumping out at you, all with creepy music playing in the background. It was great.

Arriving at the main room, you opened the doors to the sea of people all dressed in costume and dancing to 'Monster Mash'. Taking a seat at the bar you ordered a glass of wine. It came in a cobweb covered skull glass. Tony had really outdone himself.

The music stopped as Tony made his entrance, 'Highway to hell' playing as he danced down the stairs. He was followed by Pepper, Natasha and a few others. You made your way through the crowd towards them, dodging vampires and Harley Quinns.

"Wow Tony this is gorgeous!"

"I was aiming for terrifying, but thank you sweet cheeks." He gave you a quick hug and disappeared into the crowd, obviously in his element.

"Good job on the outfit, the real one can't keep his eyes off you." Natasha gave Pietro a quick glance and he looked away quickly. You tried not to drool as he leaned against the bar dressed in Steve's suit. He filled it out very well, Steve might have some competition. The mask not so much, he looked uncomfortable until a pretty girl came up to him, snaking her arm around his. You laughed to yourself, ever the charmer, Pietro.

Steve handed you a purple cocktail complete with smoke and a floating eyeball. He was dressed as black widow and he really pulled it off. The black cat suit more like a darker version of his own, clinging in all the right places.

"Thanks. So who did you get to prank?"

Steve looks shifty, "you remember the biscuit tin?"

"That was you?!"

"Hey y/n, arms fixed." Bucky grinned wiggling his metal fingers at you. He'd come as Scarlet Witch in a black shirt, trousers and red leather jacket, he did look handsome. You glared at him, his smile wavering a little.

"Hilarious Barnes, I thought I'd ripped your arm off!"

"Sorry y/n. Want to dance?"

There were sniggers behind you as he took your hand, leading you out onto the dance floor. He better not think he can get away with everything so easily.

"You really went all out Bucky." You shouted over the music as he spun you around then took hold of your hands so you were jiving. He still looked confused.

"I keep telling you. It was just that one time."

"Then who did all those other pranks?" You frowned and glanced over at Pietro, still chatting to the girl. It could have been him, it could have been any of them.

"Come on doll face, enjoy yourself, I love seeing you smile." He spun you around again and you tripped over your feet nearly falling over, laughing as Bucky caught you.

"That's the one."

His cheeky grin was infectious and you let yourself go, enjoying dancing with him. He tried to teach you how to waltz, apparently it was easy. You however had two left feet.

After a while Steve joined in and you tried to teach them both the 'time warp'. They were hilarious, missing steps, turning the wrong way and their hip swaying was criminal. You looked around for the others hoping they would join in, only spotting Pietro who was now with Wanda. They looked like they were arguing. Wanda gestured in your direction then walked off. Pietro shouted something after her then grabbed his drink, downing it in one. It was unusual for those two to argue. You brushed it off and carried on dancing.

Once 'time warp' had finished Steve and Bucky were laughing their heads off, Steve slightly more embarrassed. Bucky put his arms around both your shoulders and started to lead you over to the bar where the rest of the avengers had gathered.

"You're quite the dancer y/n." Bucky winked as he passed more cocktails to you and Steve and you all laughed.

"We were just saying, the whoopie cushion was the best prank. Thor was disgusted with you lady y/n." Sam slurred, trying to make farting noises, a little bit too drunk.

"Don't forget the custard pie, you walked right into that one." Clint chipped in.

"The guinea pigs were my favourite." Wanda smiled, you had to admit you liked that one, it lead to a very weird evening with Pietro. He was sat at the back of the group chatting up another pretty girl. You were a little jealous, did everyone at this party look like a model?

"That was pretty cute, though I'm going to be finding little brown poos for months... hang on, you all pranked me?! That can't be right..."

"Happy halloween!" Tony waltzed past and the big screen clicked on, playing a slideshow of you getting pranked over and over again in giant hd pictures and videos. Everyone looked at each other and burst into laughter.

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