21. Y/N

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At some point, I feel conscious again, yet I feel too tired even to open my eyelids, let alone moving any other part of my body. 

"Morning, you sloth." I hear

"Mm... I'm not a sloth..." I reply, denying the fact that I've said I'm too tired to move (slightly breaking the fourth wall. Also, if you get the "sloth" reference... then... tell me? That'd be pretty cool)

I take a moment to realize... I abruptly stand up to see Zane standing by the couch with a mug in his hand.

"What the?! Zane? What are you doing here?" I quickly look under my blanket and sigh in relief and mentally groan in stupidity to find that I still have clothes on and that Zane is my friend and he would seriously never do that to me

"You were drunk yesterday, remember?", he said, ignoring my little panic show.

I blushed, sheepish and longed to be anywhere but here. "Yeah..."

"Good thing you feel asleep, though. I've seen the crazy things people do when they're drunk. I'm sure you did too. Remember Brendan at the party the other night?" He hands me the mug filled with water.

"Thanks. Did you stay here the whole night?"

"Tch. I don't know how I'll be able to with your loud snoring."

"What? Shut up."

"You asked."

I stayed quiet for a while in hesitation, not sure if I want to ask this question.

"... Z-Zane?"


"Did I... actually do or say anything stupid while I was drunk?"

"Stupider things you do than when you're sober? Well... you did try to kiss me."

"What?!?" I nearly screamed. My head suddenly felt like it was shot, Irene forbid. My head impulsively went straight to my head. I pressed my palm to the side of my head in hopes of pressing it to relief. No luck.

"Y/N? What is it?"

"Hangover. Ergh. It's... It's fine."

"Are you sure? I can go look up a way to help--"

"It's okay. No worries. It's just..." I looked at him. "Did I really try to kiss you or are you just messing with me after I've been drunk?"

"It's true, though. But you fell asleep right before you were... ever... able... to...", he replied, looking a little red.

"What? Why didn't you stop me?"

"I-I did...But--" He's lying, and I know it, so I press on.

"What if I didn't fall asleep, Zane? What if nothing could stop me except you? What if--"


I stopped in the middle of my demanding. Zane squinted his eyes, lifting his hand up to rub the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. Then he looked at me so serious I started to lean away from him a little. 

"There's something I need to talk to you about," he said, taking my wrist gently. "I want to know why."

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why you got so drunk yesterday. What made you just start drinking out of nowhere?"

"Maybe some people just want to drink a little and... have fun. What's so wrong with that?" I snapped, not wanting to answer his question honestly.

"What's wrong is that you were alone when you were drunk, and that's not really 'fun.' Plus, this isn't like you to drink so much like that... what happened, Y/N? Please, tell me the truth." His voice rose as he spoke and his suddenly intense eyes pierce through mine and I'm suddenly blurting out the truth.

"A-A year ago... my parents died in a car crash. I miss them so much. I've been trying to tell them I love them these days but I feel like it just doesn't reach them. It's been so difficult to live on without them. I-I don't know what to do..."

Soon, sobs broke out of me. Zane pulls me close to him in an embrace. No matter how broken I felt at that moment, Zane's warmth around me was still able to calm me down a little. 

I pulled away from his comfort a little. We found ourselves gazing at each other for a while. I couldn't help but explore his facial features, so I briefly let my eyes wander.

Eyes that hold the many secrets I have yet to discover. Cheeks that turn red from time to time, like now. Lips that he has always concealed in his mask to the world and reveals just for me.

I had the sudden urge to gently brush the tip of my thumb against the soft surface of his bottom lip, then maybe see if both of his lips would fit mine.

But I don't because the very thought to do so hit me like a truck. Maybe even ten at the same time. Oh, my Irene. Do I...

Do I like Zane?


Sorry for the inactivity! School has been a massive heckstorm this past month and I don't even have enough time to breathe. 

But it's spring break so I have more time to think and write. 

So... see yaaa... baiii...

(I'm totally not awkward I swerr)

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