Chapter Two- Rules

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Ben walked into his classroom , a cup of warm coffee in his hands to help warm him up from the chilly February air.

He placed the Starbucks cup down on the desk at the front of the class and walked to his chalkboard .

He pulled down the screen that laid on the left side of his teaching space and began to write down notes in cursive on his chalkboard making a screech as he curved the chalk.

1. Find a seat, quickly
2. Sit down quietly
3. Pull out your agendas
4. Turn off all cellphones

He then moved over to the podium and set his MacBook up with the power point he had worked on the previous nights.

He walked to his office to open the door, change the date on the calendar and see the classes he had lined up for that day.

It was 9:30 am the students began to come in, seniors who were taking advanced history , a topic that covered all over the world as well as the US.

At 9:45 he locked the door and walked to the front of the classroom.

His blazer was clean and freshly pressed as his glasses hung at his nose .

"Good morning ... my name is Doctor Solo... you may only prefer to me as Doctor Solo or sir... I do not accept Doctor, Professor because that is an insult since I have more qualifications than a professor and it's over all rude. Call me Solo or Teacher and I will have you sent to the deans hence forth kicking you out of my course and you'll be stuck taking beginners history during summer ..." he smirked and turned on the PowerPoint.

"I have a handful of rules and they're easily to follow... " he then handed a stack of stapled papers to a student "pass them along" he instructed.

"There will be no talking unless groups discussion , there is no food or drink allowed in my class. Although water is accepted only in a clear bottle capped"

Ben walked to the middle of the teaching space and continued "I do not allow coffee in my class or red bull or five hour energy... if you feel like you need them then you should not be taking a 9:45 am class" he shot at the students .

"I do not give extra credit or accept let work... I don't care, I don't care if it's your birthday or some frat party a deadline is a deadline and the grade you receive is the grade you get"

Ben had made his way to the other side of the room and began to walk in front of the students "I do not allow cellphones in my classroom... no expectations... I do not give a damn if someone is texting you , unless there is someone in your family or a close friend in a hospital"

"At the end of each week of Thai course you'll have a quiz , it's worth. 40% of your grade ... tests are worth 20% , homework is 10% and all other assignments are worth 10%... if I feel I need to give an pop quiz then I will double the percent ... meaning that the quiz will be worth 80%"

"You miss a test you miss a test. I do not intend on having my time spent watching you take forever ... I don't care "

He then closed his laptop "any questions ?"

A young man raised his hand "yes ?" Ben said .

"What about laptops ?" He asked "may we have those out ?"

"For note taking purposes only... I prefer if you take notes on a piece of paper , color coded in pen and written in cursive ... I do an project at the end of each month with your notes you've taken in class... you miss"

"What's your late policy ?"

"One late you get a warning, two then you'll be kicked out of my class . I have no time to waste with students whom do not want to be here" he then opened his chalkboard .

"Let's begin shall we ?"

I know ! Still a bitch !

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