Chapter Fourteen- Baby

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( okay it's a rumor that this is Daisy and Adam ... the girl looks a lot like Daisy and I think the tallest one is Adam ... however it could be wrong THIS COULD BE JUSY EXTRAS! )

Orson looked at his daughter , she looked paler and she sighed into her coffee.

"Well what do you plan to do?" He asked.

"I don't know ... daddy please don't be mean-" she began to cry in her hands .

Orson's tough face cracked and he came around to hug his daughter.
"Reyhanne take a deep breath" he said rubbing her shoulder.

"Daddy I'm scared" she weeped as he rubbed her shoulder.

"I know ... what do you wanna do?" He asked .

"I don't know" she sighed "I don't wanna an abortion, there's nothing wrong with them but I don't know dad"

"What about your job ?" He asked.

"I quit" she said.

"Reyhanne !" He yelled .

"I'm sorry I'm 24 and I'm a doctor but nobody said I was grown up !" She yelled.

"Okay okay" he said and looked at her . "Adoption -"

"Daddy" she rolled her eyes "no"

"What if Jyn and I raised it?" He said.

"No daddy... it's my mistake I can't have you taking care of me like this all the time" she sighed .

Suddenly a little boy toddled out of a room with Jyn running behind it .

"Mommy !" The baby said and reached its arms up to Rey.

She picked up the little boy and kissed his forehead . "Daddy I can't have you taking care of me all the time"

"Rey please .."

"Jack tell grandpa to stop trying to take care of mommy" Rey said as she held her son.

"Grandpa ! Don't take care of mommy !" The little boy said .

Jackson was only 4 years old and definitely looked just like Rey .

Rey had gotten pregnant when she was 20, the father is little Jackson was a professor who took advantage over Rey who had never been kissed before .

He found out she was pregnant and didn't want shit to do with the kid , the professor was married and had several children of his own , plus he was 44.

He signed over his rights and he's been Rey's ever since . And the past couple months Grandma Jyn and Grandpa Orson have been taking care of him .

"Jack ?" Rey said caring him into her room . "Do you want a little brother or sister ?"

"Does that mean mommy will be home more often ?"  He asked with big Hazel eyes staring up at his young mother.

"Yes it does" she said.

"I want a million then ! Mommy can we have a million ?" He asked.

"No" she smiled "but we'll have one more ... tomorrow we're gonna go to mommy's house and mommy's things -"

"Is mommy gonna live here ?" He asked.

"Yes jack" she smiled.


Ben was coming up from the gym when a little boy with brown hair zoomed past him down the hall.

Someone had to be babysitting . "Jackson !" He heard .

Then Rey came down following him "what did I say about running away ?"

"Not to" he sighed and Rey picked him up "I'm sorry" he said .

"It's okay just listen to me okay ?" She said and he kissed her cheek.

Ben grabbed her by the shoulder "Rey " he said with a huge smile on his face , so happy to see her.

"Ben" Rey said holding the little boy closer to her.

"How are you I've been looking for you and calling -"

"I'm fine ... I quit, I'm gonna work up north with my dad at the natural history museum" she said.

"Oh... is this your little brother ?" He asked with a smile . They had similar hair and eyes .

"No !" The little boy laughed "this is my mommy !" He said and kissed Rey's check.

"Mommy?" Ben said and the little boy.

"He's my son" Rey said and kissed his cheek .

"He's ... how ?" He asked looking at the kid "how did you have a son ? Like a baby -"

"Mommy is gonna have another baby !" Jack smiled .

Ben looked at her and she sighed "He means I talked about another baby " she said.

"Oh... I wanna talk to you" Ben said.

"Ben it's not the best time -"

"Mommy I need to go potty !" He said.

"Okay..." she said and Ben followed her to her apartment door.


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