Chapter 12

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Yoongi closed his eyes and focussed. Raw energy was everywhere. He couldn't control it and neither could Hoseok. Just entering his thoughts was exhausting. Every step was a struggle. It was like walking in water, everything kept holding you back, slowly you down until you were no longer able to fight it and just got pulled down by the current. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't give up. Hoseok was hurting and he was the only one that could pull him out.

His surroundings turned to flames. Ashes were laying on the ground staining his bare feet. The embers were still hot. Smoke polluted the air making it harder to breathe. His face turned sour because of the smell of smoke. The sound of fire was almost as loud as the yells from the people around him. To say Hoseok's thoughts were overwhelming would be an understatement.

Yoongi had to get out of here as fast as possible. He looked around until he saw the man he was looking for. In between all the fire and chaos a man was sitting on the ground, his legs pulled close to his chest, as if to hide himself from the rest of the world.

Yoongi ran towards him quickly kneeling down in front of him. Hoseok was shaking and muttering indecipherable sentences. The man did not look up until Yoongi put his hands on his knees.

"Hoseok, listen to me." Yoongi said trying to get his attention. Hoseok kept his eyes on him but he seemed distant.

"Why are you here... again..?" He said in a broken voice. His words did nothing but confuse Yoongi, the latter knew that this was not the time to ask what he meant.

"I'm here to help you." He said. "listen to me, you need to wake up. You're having a vision you need to get back to us."

Hoseok just looked at him with a confused look. "I know I'm having a vision." He simply said. "but they're all burning, why are they burning?"

His voice was as broken as the look in his eyes. Yoongi could only imagine what it was like to see your home like this. What it was like seeing it turn to ashes and dust while you could only stand and watch. People were getting hurt and they were scared yet none of your comforting words reached them. They just turned to nothingness in the smoke-filled sky.

"I don't know, Hoseok. But we can find out later, okay?" Yoongi said. "you need to wake up."

"Why are you asking me this?" Hoseok asked even more confused than before. Nothing around him made sense anymore.

"What do you mean? I'm here to help you." Yoongi told him. Hoseok chuckled.

"You're a vision, if I wake up you'll disappear into the back of my mind." He said convinced of his words. Yoongi just started violently shaking his head.

"No, I'm not Hoseok, I'm real." He said. Hoseok chuckled again this time some tears came running down his face as well.

"Of course you're not. Everything around here is in my mind, so why wouldn't you be?" He said.

Yoongi felt his heart slowly break. Seeing the boy so unhappy and scared made him want to hold him close and tell him it was all going to be okay. He couldn't do that right now. Of course the vision would stop eventually and they'd both go back to normal. But it was way better to break off his vision now, it'd cause less pain and less harm to his body.

"You know, just because we are in your head doesn't mean that you know best." Yoongi said. A hint of recognition glistered in the younger boy's eyes. The way Yoongi worded his phrases made him look back. There was no way his mind would come up with that.

"You're in the sick bay, I'm there with you. You need to break off this vision and go back to us." Yoongi told him. Hoseok nodded suddenly serious.

"How do I do that? I mean, I have never been able to do it before." He asked. His voice was mending but still shaky.

"Think about the Academy, picture it, go back there. I know you can do it." Yoongi said in a supportive tone.

"How are you so sure?" Hoseok asked.

"Because the flames have stopped." Yoongi said. Hoseok looked around, his friend was right.

The houses were no longer ablaze. Everything was black and quiet, embers and ashes being the only remains of what was once a lively village. The chaos was done, now was the silence. Like the calm before the storm, but now afterwards.

Before either of them could even comprehend what was happening their surroundings started to change. White spots appeared in between the blackened wood on the floor, slowly taking the shapes of squares in a steady pattern. The endless sky above them turned flat slowly becoming a ceiling. The trees in the distance turned into white walls.

Before they knew it they were back in the Academy. Hoseok sat up immediately holding his forehead. He let out a small groan in pain before looking around. Yoongi was sitting on the edge of the bed also holding his head in pain. Next to him were Jimin and Jungkook as well as a nurse.

"Are you freaking nuts? You could've seriously hurt yourself, Min Yoongi!" Jimin scolded him shoving his arm. "and you! Why didn't you tell us you had visions, you idiot! You two are so lucky we three could pull you out!" He yelled turning to Hoseok. Both boys just flinched at the sudden loud noise.

"Couldn't you let me finish? You pulled us both out against our own will." Yoongi said. He wasn't used to the pain Hoseok would feel after every vision. He was holding his head waiting for the pounding in his brain to stop. It hurt more than he could imagine.

"You were gone for three hours, Yoongi. We decided enough was enough." Jimin told them. His voice was stern and angry, it contradicted his normally bubbly personality. In some way it scared them.

Hoseok glanced at the clock on the wall. They had been gone for a long time, longer than his normal visions. They were getting worse.

"Why didn't you tell you had visions?" Jungkook asked looking at Hoseok.

"I didn't know they were dangerous." The elder answered still in pain.

"Still you could've asked us about it!" Jimin yelled still angry. "visions are no joke, Hoseok. Imagine your body being a battery, then imagine that battery getting hit by a lighting bolt, that is what's happening to you. You are literally tearing your soul apart because you have been blocking your magic for so long."

Hoseok just looked at him wide-eyed. "I-I-" He stammered.

"Didn't know, of course you didn't." Jimin said walking away. Yoongi had never seen him so angry before. Still he knew it was a good kind of anger, the kind that existed because of worry.

Jungkook walked after his brother. Hoseok felt guilty that he hadn't said anything. That feeling of guilt grew stronger when he saw Yoongi still holding his head.

"How are you even able to deal with this?" Yoongi looked up, his face was drenched in a painful expression.

"After some time you get used to it, and sleeping helps." Hoseok told. The nurse supported Yoongi and helped him to the next bed.

"I'll see what I can do." She said laying Yoongi down. He obeyed watching her every step. He wasn't used to someone taking care of him, he didn't trust it one bit.

The woman put her hands on Yoongi's forehead. Yoongi took a sharp breath once her fingers let out a green light. His eyes closed and his head fell to the side, his body was now completely relaxed into the bed.

Even though his head still hurt Hoseok couldn't help but smile at the sleeping Yoongi. He looked so peaceful and soft.

"As for you. Visions are hard to treat. Somewhere inside you your magic is being blocked. You need to study a lot and learn how to use your magic properly, alright?" The woman said walking back to Hoseok. The latter nodded. "you're lucky Yoongi is your roommate, he can teach you well."

Before Hoseok could even answer he was also put to sleep.

Hello. I actually wanted to update this days ago with the other chapter but I was busy. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed it!

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