Chapter 44

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Yoongi always hated school gatherings. It wasn't often that the entire Academy was called together but it did happen whenever something big was to be announced. Jimin would volunteer to go so that Yoongi could stay in his room and learn the news later from his friend. The thoughts of the many people, wondering why they were there and thinking about the countless new faces around them, was always too much for him. It would feel as if his head was exploding. He couldn't shut up the others and he couldn't shut them out either, so he would just lock himself up in his room and stay away from all of them. Jimin never minded, but Yoongi did. 

Today was the first time he could walk into the main hall and feel complete calmness in his mind. The only voice in it was his own. And it was all because of the thing that most people despised, even though for him it saved his life.

Jimin curiously eyed the distance between the two roommates. Ever since the argument they weren't as close as they were, which was only to be understood. Still their friends didn't know anything. They had their suspicions that they had an argument but neither had said anything about it. Only the distance between them gave it away, as well as the quick and pained glances that were exchanged every now and then.

The room quieted down when a woman appeared at the top of the staircase. They all recognised her as the headmaster. Her long robes and hair gave her all the more dignity, as did the look of authority on her face. Her eyes looked stern scanning every single one of the students carefully before opening her mouth.

"I'm sad to announce that we have a traitor in our midst." She spoke loud and clear, leaving her audience to gasp in disbelief and confusion. "last night our visionest saw the truth; one of you is using dark magic."

Hoseok couldn't help but spare Yoongi a glance. The man only moved his eyes to him, quickly dismissing him. In the sea of confused students nobody noticed. Yoongi knew someone would find out eventually. Dark magic shifted the energy drastically, someone was bound to catch onto what was going on at some point. He didn't expect it to be the visionest however.

That old man that gave them astrology and divination was always thought to be a lying weirdo. Normally people had respect for visionests, but Mr. Beu was a different story. He always walked around in old, mismatched clothes and either wouldn't say anything for days or never shut up. If he was in a phase like the latter he'd always talk about how fate found a way and how out of control life was. Most students just left him alone.

Still nobody took his visions for nothing. He might be the weirdest teacher of all but he was wise in ways the others could hardly dream of. Any vision of him was followed like gospel, after all he had never been wrong.

"I want to reassure that we do not take these actions lightly. Using black magic is a violation of everything this school stands for. We will do everything to catch the one responsible. The teachers and I will question every single one of you. If you have information about the dark sorcerer and don't tell us, you'll receive the same punishment as the culprit." Jisoo explained. Her voice was clear of forgiveness, it was already way too late for that.

Hoseok could feel his heartbeat pick up. Not only did this put Yoongi in danger, but him as well. Traitors weren't thought of lightly in this kingdom, especially since the war broke out. Anyone who kept information or made any plans against the state was punished drastically. Even Yoongi's spell would be nothing compared to that. Still it was only a chance. They didn't have to get caught. With that reassurance he looked back up at the woman.

"I'll request of you to go back to your rooms and wait for a teacher to get you. If you make any attempt to leave the Academy we have no other choice but to suspect you for treason and treat you as equally guilty." Jisoo added. "I hope I have hereby made myself clear. Using dark magic is a serious matter and we won't take it lightly. However if the sorcerer decides to step forward voluntarily, we might make an exception." 

Yoongi had to physically restrain himself from rolling his eyes. Of course they wouldn't make an exception, not in this time. A crime was a crime, it didn't matter if he would admit it or not. In his eyes there wasn't anything wrong with dark magic. If you knew what you were doing there were no risks, except for the people to oppose him of course. 

Whenever Yoongi would look in the mirror he would see a strong, revolutionary sorcerer. But then at the same time guilt would creep into his heart every time he'd see Hoseok's eyes linger on him. The hurt in them was evident, the fear even more. It would only be a short second that he would dare to look back before pulling his gaze away and letting his emotions get devoured by the void once again. 

Even now, with Hoseok's hand on his back pushing him forward ever so slightly, as to say he had to confess, he didn't feel anything. Instead of complying he grabbed Hoseok's wrist a bit too tightly. The younger gasped and immediately pulled his arm away. His eyes were fear-ridden, his heart pounding out of his chest. Even with just the grasp around his flesh he swore he could feel the pain raking through his body again, like a waking nightmare it haunted him. Hoseok knew it was just his imagination but even that almost made tears appear in his eyes. He quickly blinked them away, hoping nobody had noticed the little ordeal between the two.

Yoongi looked away, trying to find something else to focus on. In only a matter of seconds he saw Mr. Dae looking at him. The elder man gave him a warning look, almost as if to say that he had to keep quiet, and if he wouldn't they would go down together. His message was clear, Yoongi's decision even clearer. The sorcerer just gave him a slight nod, showing how neither needed to worry.

He slightly hoped that Mr. Dae would be the teacher to investigate him, that way it would be really easy to keep it a secret, but of course the universe wasn't as easy as that. Of course it would be someone else, probably even the headmaster seeing he was a man with large powers even while using just normal spells. He was a threat to the school regardless of magic use. 

It was just a matter of time before they would find out how big of a threat he actually was. 

*makes update schedule less hectic because school is shit*
*doesn't update in two weeks, like no books whatsoever*
*still hates school*
well fml then

At least the new BTS album is dope, so that's something good. 

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