Chapter 49

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Waking up again was like a fresh breath of air. The dark room was very much welcomed after staring at the endless white in his world just a few minutes earlier. It calmed him, cleared his mind. Like a fresh gust of air in spring. But no matter how much it cleared up his thoughts it couldn't get rid of the haze that seemed to be pulled over his eyes.

Hoseok didn't cough or grunt when he tried to sit up. None of his muscles ached even though he probably had been unconscious for quite some time. He did, however, feel numb. As if a cloud was put over his mind and body and every movement cost ten times more effort than before. It wasn't like the muscles didn't want to move, it was like as soon as he thought about it the world slowed down.

"We need to find Yoongi." Hoseok said, immediately voicing his thoughts. He knew he had to stop his friend from doing any more harm otherwise more people would end up hurt. It was determination driven by fear, it gave him just the right amount of power to move his limbs. 

He pushed himself off the floor without a second thought, only stumbling a little bit when his light-headedness settled in again. Jimin immediately pulled him back down by his wrist, catching him. Hoseok could feel how limp Jimin's grip was, the younger was definitely hurting. 

"Be careful." Jimin said. "I don't know what Yoongi did to you but I couldn't wake you up with any spell, I honestly thought you never would again."

Only then did Hoseok look around where he was. He was still in the practice room, his legs pressed against the cold floor. Jungkook was there with them. Blood was on his hands which undoubtedly came from his brother's forehead. A large gush was still evident on Jimin's tanned skin, the blood now staining his brow. Jimin clearly had to put in effort to keep his eyes open and his thoughts under control. Yoongi's attack had been too much for him to take, both emotionally and physically.

Hoseok looked closer at his friend. He could see the hurt and fear in Jimin's eyes made physical by the tears gathering in the corner of his eyes. He spoke the truth. The words scared Hoseok, almost as much as the throbbing in his head. He knew he wasn't alright, he knew Yoongi's spell had definitely made his mark on him, he also knew that there was no time to worry about it now. If they didn't hurry more people would end up like him.

"We don't have time for this, we need to find him." Hoseok decided, standing up again. Jimin stood up as well, grunting as he did so. Jungkook immediately stepped beside him and helped him up, carefully grabbing his brother's biceps to support him.

"There is no point, he's gone, Hoseok." Jimin said flinching and wobbling as he put pressure on his feet. The younger's eyes widened.

"What do you mean he's gone?" Hoseok asked urgently. 

"I came to look for Jimin after I saw you too run away. At first, I figured you just needed some time to talk but it was taking too long. I warned the teachers as soon as I saw you lying on the floor. Jimin woke up not too long after." Jungkook explained. "they can't find Yoongi anywhere, it's like he vanished into thin air."

Hoseok took a moment to let the words sink in. Yoongi's powers were frightening. The might in his spells was incomprehensible, especially with all the new techniques he had learned from studying dark magic. He could fight any enemy and overpower them easily. He could be anywhere, wreaking havoc. Hoseok had tried so hard to make him repent, to make him stop, but he didn't, and now it was too late. Yoongi was gone.

"Hoseok." Jimin carefully asked. "you know him better than anyone, do you have any idea where he might run off to?" The elder added. Hoseok swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Why do you think I would know him better than you? You've been his best friend and roommate for years." The sorcerer said matter-of-factly. Jimin sighed.

"Yes, and you've been his boyfriend for half a year. He trusts you way more than he trusts me, and you knew he was using dark magic before I did." The elder explained. Hoseok shook his head at his friend's words, a hurt smile on his lips.

Yoongi didn't trust him, Yoongi didn't trust anyone. If he did then he would've listened to his words and advice. Instead, he just kept relapsing into darkness, abandoning all the light he had shone on him again and again. No, the truth was, Yoongi only trusted whoever had given him that cursed book in the first place. Of course, he would. He would believe they were the only ones understanding his point of view, understanding and accepting him, unlike all his friends who were trying to falsely protect him. Yoongi had never mentioned the person's name or anything about them for that matter, but it only made sense that he would.

Despite his lack of knowledge Hoseok tried his best to think of where Yoongi could be, what his next move could be, who he could be with. It was the only thing he could do. The elder was in danger now. He hadn't killed them so he must have confidence in his powers and what he could do next. What could be so powerful that he hadn't killed them off at such an opportune moment? 

The fact that Yoongi would probably kill them off without a second thought hurt Hoseok more than he thought it would. Emotional connection was no longer something holding the sorcerer back. He had flung Jimin against the wall like he was nothing more than a fly, and he had hurt him so many times now like he was even less than that to him. The Yoongi they were searching now was nothing like the man he met almost a year ago. He had no compassion, no love, no care, only an intense lust for power. 

There was no clear indicator as to why it had happened either. From one day to another his interest in dark magic suddenly grow, it was only amplified by that damn book. Now it was all Yoongi could think about, it almost seemed like it was the only thing of importance in his life. Safety, friendship and love all become a secondary need. There was nothing holding him back, nothing limiting his power. There was endless possibility as to what the sorcerer would do next, and any option was frightening Hoseok endlessly.

Yes, I already uploaded this chapter before. After some thought, I decided to change some things, so I changed the ending of this chapter. If you don't want to read it all again, just read the last two paragraphs and you'll be all caught up. I changed it because the sudden thought about the merlin circle is really nothing more than a hunch so no teacher would believe them and stop systematically checking the place to guard the merlin circle. And there are many more ways Yoongi could simply run away or protect himself. It wasn't really logical for Hoseok to come up with that so yeah. 

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