Chapter 46

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"I hope you're proud of yourself." Hoseok said storming back into their room. The door closed behind him leaving only them. 

It was time Hoseok faced his friend. After all the weeks he had spent avoiding him out of fear he had to put an end to this. It wouldn't be long before Jisoo would decide on his fate. He was taking the blame for something he didn't do. So he might as well show Yoongi exactly how hurtful his dark magic was. The fear was gone, he was going to pay the price anyway.

The man on the bed just shrugged at the younger's words. It was almost as if he hadn't expected anything else from him. After all the sorcerer was predictable. Hoseok had always known his kindness was going to be the end of him, he just hadn't expected it to be in this way.

"I'm getting treated as a criminal, possibly taking all the blame, only because I am protecting you and you don't even have to say anything about it?" Hoseok asked raising his voice ever so slightly.

"You did the right thing." Yoongi said without a second thought. A fake smile found its way onto the elder's face. Hoseok chuckled humourlessly. 

"I'm doubting it." He said truthfully. Yoongi just followed him with his gaze when the younger started pacing around the room. The adrenaline of lying to and testing the principal was too much for him. Speaking to someone he feared like this only made it worse. 

"I really tried to make you see, Hoseok." Yoongi slowly said. "I'm grateful, even though I don't seem like it. I know it's hard to fight for something you don't believe in. I'm glad you haven't abandoned me yet." His tone was drenched in fake empathy, it was sickening. 

"I really tried to make you see too. But still you don't see how you're hurting me, yourself and everybody else around you with no reason whatsoever." Hoseok yelled. "the only reason you've ever given me for using dark magic, is because you just can. I don't care whether you're strong enough to take those spells or not, it's wrong and you're failing to see it!" He added. 

"This is not just about me, Hoseok. This is about the world we live in." Yoongi said. "people are dying, whether it is from a disease without a cure or on a battlefield fighting some godforsaken cause. New magic can put an end to it all. Dark magic isn't just bad, it can cure, it can protect." 

"I haven't seen it so far, all you have used it for is hurting others, including me." Hoseok said. His form was shaking and his breathing was heavy. The fire in his eyes hadn't calmed down yet, and he knew it probably wouldn't anytime soon.

Yoongi sighed. "Jisoo said your family gave you a motive. Do you know why?" He asked a lot calmer than his friend. 

"Because losing someone makes you angry, sad and confused. If anything those are reasons to do stupid things." Hoseok said, still slightly agitated. Yoongi just smirked at the younger's temper. He didn't even care about the truth his words held.

"No, it's because dark magic can undo it." Yoongi explained. He watched how Hoseok's expression changed into one of disbelieve.

"Nothing can bring back the dead, not even dark magic." He said, getting slightly angry again.

"Nothing but dark magic." Yoongi corrected. "I've seen the spells myself, Hoseok."

"Just because you've seen the spells doesn't mean that they work. Those who have crossed over are rotten, if you try to bring them back they wither like autumn leaves." Hoseok reasoned quickly. 

"I've read recollections of them working as well. You bring someone back and they're just as human as they were before they left. The same memories and the same body, only this time with a beating heart." Yoongi explained. He stood up and walked towards his friend. Hoseok didn't move an inch, this time he stood his ground.

"How?" He just asked. 

"All you need is a merlin circle, and two strong sorcerers." Yoongi said. His tone sounded more like an offer than a fact, Hoseok caught up on it as well.

"And let me guess, you want me to help you?" He asked. Yoongi smirked at him.

"Only if you want to, I'm not going to force you. But I guessed that there were people you thought deserve a second chance." He said pacing around his friend. 

Hoseok didn't move. His mind was running in overdrive. All the people that he had lost, all those who had died in vain, they could get a second chance. His mother who bled out on the floor of a filthy pub because she was too kind to protect herself, his father who got killed trying to protect his daughter, and his sister who got killed by barbarians, they could all be saved. The thought scared him yet made his heart well up. It got broken again by a single thought.

"If I would, how would that benefit you?" Hoseok asked making Yoongi raise one of his eyebrows. 

"Can't I just do something out of kindness?" He asked. Hoseok just kept his gaze blank. They both fully well knew that Yoongi wouldn't, not in this state. 

"If you're really wondering, there are some people that I want to bring back as well." Yoongi said looking down at the floor. He shoved his hands in his pockets and crooked his head.

"Like who? Your father?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi almost scoffed. 

"No. He didn't come to redemption until it was far too late. He wouldn't care whether I lived or died until that moment, so I shouldn't care about him in that way either." The elder answered as he continued walking. Hoseok followed him with his gaze. A couple weeks ago he'd have missed his father, now he only saw him as a creature, not as family. It was worrying to say the least. 

"Who then?" Hoseok asked quickly regarding the thought.  

"I'm sure you found out already, didn't you? I'm pretty sure one of the mineworkers told you." Yoongi stated. "there is a friend that I'd like to meet again." 

Hoseok's mind ran back to the conversation he had with the man in Yoongi's house. "The boy from the orphanage?" He asked. Yoongi nodded.

"Why him? He was your bully, wasn't he?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi nodded again. "then why would you possibly want to bring him back?" 

Yoongi chuckled. "It's a lot more complicated than that, Hoseok." He said with a smirk. Hoseok was waiting for an explanation but he never got one. All he got were poisonous words. 

"So, will you help me? Together we can better this world, Hoseok. You are a strong sorcerer, and I could use your help." Yoongi explained.

For a slim second Hoseok considered it. All his life he had wanted to see his mother again, to hear her singing, to see her smile, yet it never happened. Now he had lost more than ever, making the offer twice as compelling. Still even the thought caused a bitter taste in his mouth. He knew he shouldn't. This couldn't work out. That's why he turned around and walked out of the room only sparing his friend four more words. 

"You make me sick." He said. 

I should probably go to sleep because the last few chapters are coming up and I know that the next one will end on a cliffhanger and I want to write that all in one go and frankly I don't have time to do that now at 01:29 am. 

Also thank you for 4K, I forgot to say it last chapter but I really appreciate all the support!

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