Hatake Kakashi: Fascination

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [PartI] ||


“Hokage-sama, you requested my presence…” Kakashi began politely, already fully knowing why he was in Tsunade’s office.  He resisted the urge to shift from one foot to another, still feeling uncertain as to the wisdom of the decision she made.

“Hai, Kakashi, she’ll be here any moment, please try to be patient with her – it’s quite a shock,”

“I know, I know, the briefing was thorough,”

“Then I’ll assume that the reason you look so uncomfortable is because you think this is a bad idea,” Tsunade looked carefully at him with her chin resting on her clasped hands, smiling internally, he looked even more uncomfortable (although covered by a cool Kakashi-revere pretending he hadn’t a care in the world, of course) but Tsunade knew him well enough,

“Yes, she’s a stranger here and we have no idea where she came from or who she is, and we’re going to train her in ninjutsu?”

“It’s not like we’re going to give her all of Konoha’s secrets, she has strong chakra and a sharp mind; if we don’t get her allegiance then she’ll become our enemy – these are dangerous times Kakashi and we’ve had enough trouble with the Akatsuki as it is, we can’t afford anyone who might be of use to us to not be fully utilized.” Tsunade leaned back in her chair as Kakashi sighed lightly, shifting the weight from one leg to the other as the door opened.  Shizune (along with Tonton, her pet pig, in her arms) walked in through the door, being followed by Kakashi’s soon-to-be trainee.

“Ah, there you are, how are you feeling, Oriko?” Tsunade directed her attention to the young woman, now stood beside Kakashi,

“F-fine, thank you… How are you?” She asked in return, feeling a little silly for asking it,

“Well, thank you.  This,” She gestured, “Is Hatake Kakashi, he will be training you in shinobi skills, he will do all he can to help you,” As she said the last part, she directed an intense glare at Kakashi; although Oriko didn’t know, she felt sure that they’d had some conversation before she’d arrived.  Was he so resistant to teach me? Again, she didn’t know why her becoming shinobi was causing such tension.  Tsunade looked once more between Oriko and Kakashi, from the both few and short conversations she’d had with the young woman, she sense that the stranger and Kakashi had some similarities that would make the coming months a little easier than it seemed for the moment.

“Dismissed.”  Both Kakashi and, although a little delayed, Oriko bowed politely and she turned to follow him out of the door; they walked in silence – Oriko feeling a little uncomfortable and unsure what she was supposed to say to her rather stern and silent new teacher.  Eventually, they made it to an open space of green grass that showed signs of regular use, but was well maintained, Kakashi came to an abrupt halt which she found almost impressive considering his leisurely gait. 

 “Okay,” He began as they stood in the shade of a large tree, “I think it’s time we introduced ourselves,” He looked at her carefully, she was just shy of his shoulder height and looked to be only a few years younger than him.  Her curly, messy light hair reaching to mid-neck length complimenting her dark blue eyes, tinged with flashes of bright green.  She was attractive, but Kakashi ignored it and concerned himself with testing exactly how ‘strong’ her chakra was.  She eyed him equally carefully, noting how bored he and his demeanour looked,

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